• XXIV •

749 22 0

• Jimmy •

I haven't heard from Del in a few days, I hope I didn't scare her ass off.

I was chilling at my moms place, I was worried about telling her about the new apartment I got.

I figured she'd be ok with it? Shit, worse case scenario I can't take Lily with me. I really need to get her the fuck out of this place.

"Hey mom." I greeted her from the little patio in front of the trailer as she came home late as usual.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"I found an apartment, I'm not sure when i'll be done moving.. but I'm going to take Lily with me." I told her attempting to push away the thoughts on when I last took Lily.

She didn't reply but looked solemnly at the door to the trailer.

She sighed and walked inside. I don't know how she felt but I don't give a fuck.

I walked in after her and went to use the phone.

I called Mo'Niques place to see if Del was there.

"Whaddup?" I heard a female voice from the other line.

It didn't sound like Del or Mo'Nique.

"I'm looking for Delaney..?" I mumbled into the phone. I braced up against the wall and awaited for a response.

"Oh..." They yelled something inaudible.

"Hello?" Mo'Nique answered.

"Mo'Nique, have you heard from Del recently?" I asked.

"Uhh.. She hasn't called you?" Her voice was shaky. I heard voices in the background but I couldn't hear shit.

"No, now tell me what the fuck is going on! Is she with you, or no!?" I was being persistent now trying to get an answer out a person who won't fucking give it to me.

"Rabbit..." She paused. "She's at home with her dad." She replied solemnly.

"Why.." I whispered.

"He came over and well, fucked shit up. She gave in to what he had said to her. They may have met up after she brought me to work but other than that I don't know." She replied.

I sighed, goddamit Del. What the fuck are you doing!

"Thanks." I replied and hung up.

I furrowed my eyes brows and headed to my car. I had one foot in the drivers side and my hand on top of the door.

My mom came running out.

"Where are you going!" She looked like she had been drinking.

"Out!" I yelled back.

"Where?" She yelled coming closer to me.

I debated whether I wanted to tell her or not.

"Look mom, it's nothing alright just go back inside." I replied trying to stay calm.

She rolled her eyes and slowly walked back inside.

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