Days to Come

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To be honest, Draco was nervous.

It was unsettling, to be a girl so openly, when all her life she was hiding it.
She was also very scared of her father's response that was yet to come.
Though it was already a few days after they sent the letter, Lucius had not written back.
This fact made Draco very nervous. Was he furious? Was he mad? Or, perhaps, would he give up on the whole 'change Draco into a boy' idea?


Fortunately, Hermione forgot about Hagrid's.
Unfortunatly, it was because she was screaming at his face.

Three hours of lecturing and another hour of Harry apologizing followed.

That night, Harry thought long and hard about Malfoy's state, his punishment, and all those secrets he had to keep. He pondered whether or not to risk getting expelled and tell Ron and Hermione about 'Alexandra Derlose'.

Harry dreaded those hours he must spend with Malfoy each and every day. Malfoy the bully. Malfoy the Slytherin. Malfoy, the person he hated. Malfoy, a girl.

He remembered how he was a few centimeters taller than him. "Her", he thought. " I really must get used to it."

It really did boost his pride.
Smiling subconsciously, he drifted off to a calm wave of sleep.


Narcissa was trembling.

"He's crazy. He's crazy. He's crazy."

She couldn't believe him. Not to her child. Not to her Draco. Not to her only daughter. He couldn't.

But he would.

He really was crazy.


Guess who's baaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!
Its our stupid 'ol author who writes crap that everyone's forgotten!!!!!!!

First of all, I'm really sorry for not updating for a looooooong time. I didn't forget about it, I never did! I just didn't have any motivation to do it and stuff. I just reread the whole thing, got a teeny bit inspired again, and decided to publish this chapter!! It took so long to write such a short chapter, but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Second, I am not guaranteeing any more future chapters. I know, I just popped up like in forever, bomb a new chapter, then disappear again for who knows how long.
Sorry!!!!!!! I know I suck. ( I rly do!)
I really can't force myself to write tho, because it makes the already crappy chapters 1000000x times more crappy. (Seriously, you guys do NOT want that)

Theres a possibility I might pick up from now continuously tho. Maybe I could get in the roll again, ya kno? I dunno. But then again, I might not.

I really am!!

Third, I read each and every one of your comments, and replied to most of them. Thank you!!! It makes me so happy that people are actually enjoying my fic!! You guys are awesome.

Fourth, I forgot to add this to the earlier chaps, I appreciate any constructive criticism!! Pls comment if u think something should be fixed. Or if you spot anything I write that is inaccurate about the actual Harry Potter world, or really anything else, please please let me know!!! Its been a while since I last reread those books, feel free to remind me!!

Also, sorry again, for appearing soooo late and for the unbelievably short length of this chapter. Sorry!!!!

Thank you readers, for giving this the time of ur day!!

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