The Inicident

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A/N This is going to be set on the 6th year, but then I realized that if I want to make Draco one year younger, she'll have to be in her 5th year, which I can't do. So could you guys ignore that and just say she's in her 6th? Its just a fanfic, after all.

Also, I forgot to mention that Harry Potter obviously does not belong to me. It's not mine, only the plot. Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Harry headed to the Qudditch field for some early practice.

The morning was very quiet and cool, and nobody was around. It'd been a while since he's been alone in such a big area, and as much as he loved Ron and Hermione, he found himself really enjoying the time.

Harry got onto his broom, and started flying.


Draco knew what day this was. Today, at exactly 6:30 AM, the potion would wear off.
She was to come to her godfather's office by 6 at the latest, and sit in the office until she changed back into a girl. Immediatly after the transformation though, she'd be made to drink the potion, and be male again.

Draco checked the time. The clock read 4AM. There were still plenty of time left, so she decided to go on an early morning walk.
After she changed, Draco went out and took a deep breath. It was pretty chilly, but it was so quiet and peaceful. Nobody was around.

'I should do this more often.' she thought.

She still had 2 hours, so she decided to take her time. Draco walked around the school grounds, thinking about how in an hour or so she'd get to be a girl again, for a few seconds.

As she walked around, she saw a figure in the distance flying around.
She felt annoyed by this, because she felt like as if he interrupted her morning that she wanted to be all alone in.
She grew even more annoyed when she recognized him as Potter.

She briefly thought about going over to make some fun of him, then dismissed the idea because she really didn't feel like it. She chose to ignore him.


Harry've been working on a new flying technique that required a very sharp and quick turn on his broom. He fell of his broom the last few  times he tried. Harry was determined to perfect it today.

Harry flew up high, then sped up. He flew faster and faster, until he couldn't even open his eyes, and made the complex twist.

Just as he thought he made it, Harry lost his balance and began to fall.
Mid-air, Harry managed to grab his falling broom and get on it. He regained his balance, but he was already pretty low, so his flight was very wobbly and out of control.


Draco lost the track of time, so when she noticed that it was already 6:10, she panicked. She began to speed-walk back to the building, when suddenly-
Something hard and fast hit Draco from the back, and she and the thing toppled to the ground.

Groaning, Draco rose slowly, checking for injuries.
When she found none, she stood up and glared at the thing, which turned out to be Potter, who was also getting up.

Giving the best glare she could muster, Draco yelled at Harry.

"Watch where you're going, you idiot! My father will-"

"Hear about this. Yeah,yeah, I know." Harry cut, dusting himself off.

Draco glared at him again.

"You want to kill me so badly."

"Yeah, that doesn't sound bad."

"Where's the Weasel and the mudblood? Finally got tired of you? Can't say I'm surprised. "

This time, it was Harry that glared.

"Don't call Hermione that! She's ten times the person you'll ever be! You're the filthy one!"

"Ha! Filthy? Filthy and Malfoy doesn't go together. The Malfoys are the purest family you'd ever find! Meanwhile, you choose to dirty yourself with mudbloods and blood traitors! Must be your filthy mudblood mother's blood"

Draco knew insulting his friends and parents was the best way to get Harry angry fast.
It was working. Harry's face was red and he looked ready to punch the lights out of Draco.

"Don't say that about my friends or my mother." Harry growled, his voice dangerously low.

It did scare Draco a little bit.

"I'll bloody say whatever I want to!" she replied. She was about to say more, when she noticed the time.

6:25 AM

Draco visibly paled, though Harry didn't notice. He was too angry.

" I have to go." Draco said, and turned around and startes to run.

"I'm not done yet, you coward! Come back!" Harry shouted, and yanked on Draco's scarf, making her turn around.

Draco, who was in a big hurry, already felt the start of her transformation. Her internals began to squeeze, she couldn't breath well, and she felt like as if somebody was piercing her with a thousand needles.

Because of that, when Harry yanked on her scarf, she was unbalanced, and smashed onto Harry.

Harry, who didn't mean to pull as hard smashed onto Draco.

Their lips met.

The two stared at each other for a second.


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