The "Fight"

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What the heck happened??????

Wow.....seriously, people are liking my trashy cringy chapters......I did not expect this!!!!
I'm really grateful, and I'm gonna try my best to make them less crappy.(note: try)

seriously...thank you.....


"Mate, where've you been? We've been searching everywhere for you!" said Ron as soon as he saw Harry.

"Sorry, Ron. I got into trouble with Proffessor Snape." he answered.

"Why? What did you do?" Ron asked again.

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"What? Why? Harry, I'm your best mate! You have to tell me!"

"Ron! Leave Harry alone! If he doesn't want to tell, thats that!" scolded Hermione.

"I will tell, I promise! Its just...I don't want to talk about it right now. But I will." Harry said. He still needed time to think up a lie that Hermione wouldn't notice.

Ron didn't look satisfied, but he let it go.

"Well, we're going to be late to class. Let's go!" said Hermione.

The trio made their way to Potions class, where Harry knew there'd be an anouncement.

Once they sat down, Harry noticed Ron looking around.

"Where's the ferret? Didn't see him all morning." he said.

"I don't know, Ron." Harry replied. He felt a bit guilty, since he didn't really lie much to his friends.

Proffessor Snape walked into the room, sending glares to most of the gryffindors, and made his way to the front.

"Mr. Malfoy was called away in the night for urgent matters from his home for an unknown period of time. We presume though, that he'll be missing for quite long.
Now, please turn to page 103 in your textbooks, and copy the list written there." he anounced.

Then, as if nothing has happened, Proffessor Snape began his lesson.

Ron had a look on his face that was a mixture of shock, glee, and confusion. It was quite amusing.

Time skip to a few days later


Today was the day when she'd be 'transferred'. Draco fiddled with her thumbs, her eyes in a furrow, and her palms a bit sweaty. She was nervous.

Draco was told not to get close to her former friends, as they might suspect something, but Draco highly doubted that, since all her friends were dunceheads. Still,what if they found out? What if they noticed?

Draco was a bit paranoid these past few days, because the letter that she sent to her father was not getting a response. She worried about everything, and the smallest things put her on edge.

Soon, she'd be anounced as a transfer student from the Beauxbatons, and that she'd been sorted privatly into Slytherin.

Time skip again


Harry was not sure how he should be feeling.
He was supposed to keep people from discovering his enemy since he started school's secret.

He didn't really have a choice though. He didn't want to be expelled.

Slowly, Harry dressed and went to breakfast with his friends.

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