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Harry is 1 year older than Draco in this fic!

8 years old Harry Potter was being dragged by both Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia to the candy store because Dudly wanted them. Dudly always got everything he wanted.

Harry was brought along because the last time Harry was left alone in the house, according to Uncle Vernon,he somehow made the next door cat die.

Of course, Harry didn't do it. At least, he didn't think so. All he did was hope that the snake he saw in the bushes would kill the cat and its loud annoying yowls. He never expected it to actually happen.

Of course, Harry said so.

"I only thought about it! It was just like magic!" he cried. Instantly, Harry knew he shouldn't have said that.

Uncle Vernon's face became as red as a tomato.

"THERE. IS.NO. SUCH. THING. AS. MAGIC!!!" He roared.

And so he was sent to his cupboard with no dinner and a stinging cheek.

When they entered the store, Harry couldn't help his mouth watering.

Uncle Vernon smirked at him, then turned to Dudly, who was already stuffing his big ugly face with candy, while horrifying the employee.

"Thats my boy! Go on, have many as you want!" he said.

Then Dudly looked over at Harry and basicaly gave him a look that said,
" Ha! I've got candy and you don't!"
Harry glared at him.

As they went back home with Dudly's arms full of candy, Aunt Petunia met one of her friends on the streets and began to talk whatever woman talked about.

While the boys were waiting, a mother and daughter, about the same age as Harry, walked by. The girl had long, platinum blonde hair. Harry heard her say something about "muggles".

Harry, at that time, didn't know what that was, but guessed it must have been the name of the tv show with the weird talking puppets. He didn't know for sure, since he never was allowed to watch tv.

This was how Harry Potter first met Draco Malfoy, though Harry never knew and Draco never noticed.

Years later, often at Hogwarts, Harry would remember the pretty girl with the long platinum blonde hair who mentioned muggles, which Harry knew what it meant now, and wonder who she was, if she went to Hogwarts, if she ever had heard of him, if she noticed him years ago.

Well. My second chappie is out. Wow, this is crappy. Why are you guys even reading this?? This is utterly crap.

Am I spelling Dudly right?

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