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WHAT THE HECCCCKKKKK???????? 88 VIEWS????????????? didn't expect this to go over 10...... I mean like I don't even have a writing experience, my chapters suck, and its trash. And I have a fricking 88 views!!!!!

I really didnt expect this..But thanks so much!!!

Draco(1st pov)

I'm confused.

I drank the potion. I was fully a girl when I did. Why am I not changing?

I don't feel the familiar burning sensation in my stomach I usually get when I transform.
I don't feel my bones cracking and twisting and rearranging themselves.

I don't understand.

My godfather is looking at me worriedly.

Harry is making an impressive imitation of a fish.

"Severous.....Whats wrong? Why am I not changing?"


Potter and I speak simultaneously.

Seriously, boys are so dense.

"How thick is your skull?" I ask. " Do you see me right now?"


I sigh. What an idiot.

"Harry Potter. What you saw here stays here. You will not utter a word of this event. Do you understand me?" threatened Severous.

The idiot was still taking in the fact that I was a girl.

"Do you understand me?" my godfather says again. His voice is even more scary now.

"Ye..Yes proffessor." Potter managed to answer, his voice a bit weak and wobbly." long were-"

"I was always a girl, you brainless idiot. Why else would I not be freaking out?" I spat, then turned to Severous.

"Godfather, why aren't I changing? I was fully a girl when I drank it. I'm sure I was." I asked.

"....You said you had a bit of a....... a collision with Mr Potter?"

I slightly reddened, but replied,

"Yes, thats right."

"And...there was a little bit of touching with...the lips, yes?"

I reddened even more.



I could tell Severous was very disturbed by the whole...thing. After all, it was his job to make sure I had my transformation each month. If something went wrong, father would be livid.

I looked over at Potter. He's very red, probably even more than me, probably thinking about our crash.

After a quick glare to at him, Severous asked me another question.

"The kiss. Did it happen during the transformation?"

"Yes." I say again.

Severous sighed.

"I do have a guess. But still, it is only a guess, so please keep in mind that I may be wrong.

The potion, as you know, is very old and ancient, and the side effects and description were not as specific as I'd have liked. One of the reasons I was so against this idea.

The potion is all about gender, obviously. You know that.
The potion also was particularily......focused about during the changing. It was a very important moment, and intervening the moment.........Like drinking the potion while you're changing would have kept you a girl permanently.

The kiss you had with Mr Potter, which was an interaction with the opposite gender, may have interferred with the effects." he ended.

"So...basically the kiss messed with the potions and hence is keeping me a girl?"

"Yes, basically."

I began to worry.

"This...this is not permanent, is it?" I asked desperatly.

"Unfortunatly, I do not know for sure. As I've mentioned, the potion was old and not specified. But, judging from my years with potions, I am guessing that, yes, indeed, it is permanent."

Oh no.

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