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All people have secrets. Some are small. Some are big. Draco's secret was huge. He was actually never a boy, but a girl.

Lucious wanted a son to continue the great house of Malfoy. Naturally, he wasn't pleased to hear that his first child was a daughter. Lucious wanted a boy, so for the next few years, he and Narcissa tried to have another child. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get a kid.

Narcissa loved her daughter, and tried very hard to make Lucious accept her, but Lucious never did.

Little Draco was 5 years old at this time.

At this point, Lucious was desperate.He had an idea. It was risky and idiotic, but it was the only choice he had. He decided to change Draco into a boy.

Of course, there was no spell, hex,charm, or potion that would change Draco into the opposite gender permanently.
The most long-term gender-switching magic that Lucious managed to find was an ancient potion with no name that would change the person to their opposite worked for one month, but the potion was unbelievably long,complex, and required many rare and expensive ingredients, and took months to make by the most skilled master.

Even though this would have been enough to make any man give up, this was not the case for Lucious.
He, first of all, had money. People did anything for money.
Lucious Malfoy set out to look for a very talented professional potion master.
2 years later, he eventually managed to find a man called Severous Snape, a person with black greasy hair and a sour face. He was so skilled, in fact, that he heard he was the potions professor of the Greatest School of All Time, Hogwarts.

It was hard getting Snape to agree to make the potions, but in the end, the Malfoy got what he wanted. Since the job was a constant work( because Draco needed that potion all her life), it was agreed that Snape would become a sort of a godfather to Draco.

Draco, now seven, was told that she'd have to become a boy. She was young and feared her father greatly, so she agreed to it, though she cried with her mother for hours afterwards.

Narcissa was completly against the idea, of course, but no amount of begging, screaming, or pleading changed Lucious's mind.

By the time Draco was nine, she was somewhat used to living as a boy, though she hated it. Her favorite time of the month was those few seconds when the potion wore out and she was a girl. They weren't long, because her father was always right infront of her, holding the next cup of the potion.
She couldn't drink it untill she was completely a girl. If she drank it when she was a boy, or while she was changing form, it would change her back into a girl permanently. Draco often wished it would happen, but her fear of her father's anger always stopped putting her wish to action.

It was decided that Draco would attend Hogwarts when she was 11, obviously, because Snape worked there and would be able to keep the gender-swapping going, though Lucious considered Durmstrang Institute(obviously because they teached the Dark Arts) for a while.

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