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Dust: @Your_worst_Nootmare ..Its been 5 months since we heard from you...are you alright?

*Senpai's_fav has joined the chat*

Killer: Yeah, we're getting a little worried...

*Your_worst_Nootmare has joined the chat*

Nightmare: I'm f**king fine, leave me alone..

*An.Error.Has.Occurred has joined the chat*

Error: Okay if your so fine, take a pic a send it now


*CrackHead has joined the chat*

Horror: Well? Take the picture..

Nightmare: Fine! I will...

Dust: This should be good lol

*Monochrome_Crossiant has joined the chat*

Cross: Wait is he still sad about losing the flirting games?

Killer: Bet..

Horror: His pride was hurt not his feelings...I don't think he has any of those..

Error: I thought the same about Dust but look at him..still crying over the death of the director for Spongebob..

Dust: Hey! That's a very reasonable person to cry over!

Cross: Boss! What's taking so long with that picture?

Nightmare: Don't rush me!! I'm sending it now..

Nightmare: Don't rush me!! I'm sending it now

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Killer: Pffffftt!!

Dust: Oml what the hell? Lmao!

Nightmare: Shut up both of you!!

Error: That's Adorable, I'm screen shoting this! <3

Nightmare: What!? No!!

Error: too late..lolz

Nightmare: I fu*kin hate you all

Cross: Aww it's okay Nootmare, Were here for you

Horror: Yeah your still the best flirter to us

Nightmare: Stop it!! I'm not upset!!!

Dust: You sure sound upset

*Dreamyboi has joined the chat*

Dream: Aww is it comfort Nightmare month?

Error: yep

Nightmare: I should've f**king known!!

Killer: his favorite time of the year

Nightmare: f*ck this sh*t I'm out..

*Your_worst_Nootmare has left the chat*

Horror: He does know we live with him right?

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