
1.9K 79 24

Ink: Who the hell stole broomie!!!?!?

*Mr. Berry has joined the chat*

Blue: last saw your brush in the kitchen...

*Monochrome_Croissant has joined the chat*

Cross: that's kinda sus, Blue...

Blue: What?

Ink: Cross got a point...

Blue: What point?

*G1itch_Bitch has joined the chat*

Error: Nah, you can't vote Blue, he's with me in outertale...

Ink: Why the fu-

Cross: oh ok

Blue: I do remember Dream telling me he was gonna make a sandwich

*Minecraft_GoldenApple has joined the chat*

Dream: wait wait wait, I did make a sandwich but that was it, I left right after

Ink: Wait but I realized Broomie went missing right after you left the house

Cross: sus

Error: Yeah, that's sus

Dream: I didn't take the damn brush!!

Blue: and you mad for what? Sus, I'm voting Dream

Cross: Same

*Your_worst_nootmare has joined the chat*

Nightmare: I don't know what's going on.. but I'm voting Dream too lol

Dream: wHy!?

*Minecraft_GoldenApple was kicked from groupchat*
- was not the imposter-

Ink: Well damn ._.

Nightmare: Hehe so what's happening?

Error: The dumb squid lost his brush and Dream was the last person seen around it

Nightmare: Oh.. bummer I guess

Ink: Oh wait, guys... it's on my back srry

Everyone: What!?

Ink: yeah! Hehe ^^

Error: you're an idiot -_-

Dust: You JUST realized that it was on your back? that thing looks heavy... -_-

Ink: Everyone calm down. I gotta invite Dream back ^^

*Minecraft_GoldenApple has joined the chat*


Nightmare: Dream

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Nightmare: Dream... if you put another g*d dammed meme, I will end you!!

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