What the?

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*your_worst_nootmare has joined the chat*

Nightmare: cross how did you get so drunk last night?

*Monochrome_croissant has joined the chat*

Cross: I wasn't that drunk

Nightmare: You went up to a truck and whispered, I know your secret Optimus Prime. .

Cross: so you know his secret too?

Nightmare: Go away

*Dreamyboi has joined the chat*

Dream: nighty!!

Nightmare: No

Cross: aww thats a cute nickname!

Dream: want some updog for lunch?

Nightmare: . . .

*I'mHungry has joined the chat*

Horror: oohh! I want some!

Nightmare: horror no!

Horror: but. . .what's Updog?

Dream: Not much! You? :)

Horror:. . .

Dream: Horror-? Ahhh!! He's in my house help!! He has an Axe!!

Nightmare: Get him Horror! Lol

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