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Error: If opposites attract then why aren't hot people attracted to me?

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Nightmare: The obvious logic here is that you're hot

Dream: That's the most encouraging thing I've ever heard from you, Nights!

Error: Ha! good one, I'm trash..

Nightmare: I'll take you out then..

Ink: you smooth little shiz..

Error: lol stop playin..getting a boyfriend looks easier in the movies

Lust: how about I take you to one then?

Nightmare: oh it's on, you smooth little f*cker!

Dust: what's happening?

Blue: I have no Idea

Killer: Lust and Nightmare are at it again..

Horror: Error is right tho it is easier in movies.. I wouldn't even date myself..

Killer: Your standards must be impossibly high then 

Horror:...Wait wut

Dream: Why is everyone so smooth now?

Cross: I don't know..

Error: Also why is everyone so good at kissing!? is there a f*cking class!?

Nightmare/Lust: Yeah, it's full right now but I could tutor you..

Nightmare: you son of a b*tch!

Lust: Me!? I sent that 2.1 seconds earlier than you did!

Nightmare: How would you know!?

Dust: I'm taking notes on Nightmare and Lust's smooth flirting skills

Error: wait..flirting?

Killer: you can't be that oblivious..

Lust: Anyways..I have some Fashion Advice!!

 Dust: uh okay?

Error: good, Ink needs some..

Ink: Hey!

Lust: If you think it's pretty..Wear it

Ink: see, Error! I like my clothes so I wear it

Error: shut up

Nightmare: Okay but Idk how I'm gonna wear you..

Dust: Damn..

Lust: oh you smooth f*ck!

*Your_worst_nootmare is now announced Flirting God* 

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