Sleepover <3

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*Depresso_Dusty has joined the chat*

Dust: Hey Horror.. @CrackHead

*CrackHead has joined the chat*

Horror: Hey :)

Dust: Nightmare is out and the rest of the gang is sleeping...

Dust: wanna come to my room? ;)

Horror: Yeah... Are you ready for tonight? ;)

Dust: yep ;) 

Horror: I got the corny thriller movies!

Dust: This is why we're friends! I got your favorite snacks too! <3

*G1itch_B¡tch has joined the chat*

Error: You probably should've made sure some of us were actually asleep...

*Senpai's_Fav has joined the chat*

Killer: Yeah, also that was super sus

Error: please.. no more Among us references

Killer: Lmao fine, but I want in on this sleepover!

*Monochrome_Croissant has joined the chat*

Cross: me too!

Error: same

Dust: HELL NO!

Cross: I'll bring Chocolate milk!

Error: I'll bring beanbags!

Killer: I can bring my nerf guns!! We could have a nerf war afterward!!

Dust: sigh ..fine

Killer: Yay!

Cross: yay!

Horror: Yay!

Error: yay.

*Inktastic_Kiki has arrived*

Ink: Movie night, chill, and nerf war!? Why the HELL don't we do these types of things!? @Minecraft_GoldenApple

*Minecraft_GoldenApple has joined the chat*

Dream: Because you and Blue are too competitive and ruin it every time -_-

Ink: Makes sense...

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