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Error: So I was scrolling on the Multinet and found Dreams Facebook account

*Depresso_Dusty has joined the chat*

Dust: Who the hell still uses Facebook?

*Senpai's_Fav has joined the chat*

Killer: Dream apparently

Error: Well Facebook suits him, turns out he's over 400 years old

Killer: hdjsjdbfbksjshdbc

Dust: he's a whole grandpa!

*Monochrome_Croissant has joined the chat*
*Your_worst_nootmare has joined the chat*

Cross: What we talking 'bout?

Nightmare: Yeah, why the hell are we talking about Dream?

Killer: Boss, is it true Dream is older than 400 years?

Nightmare: yep.

Cross: wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait- didn't you say you and Dream were twins?

Error: pfft they're both grandpas! Lmao

Killer: jdjdjsmskajdnxkdnsms It's a good thing I have a daddy kink ;)

Dust: THE HELL!?

Killer: I'm joking I'm joking, chill!

Nightmare: sure, yeah, we're over 400. Your point?

Error: oh nothing, just that, I could bring you your glasses if the texts are getting hard to read :)

Nightmare: EXCUSE ME!?

Dust: Damn Error!

Cross: pfft-

Killer: We should be worried about his figure, he's 400 and is basically just slime and bones at this point

Error: LMFAO

Cross: I cannot with you two!

Nightmare: Shut the hell up! I'M NOT THAT OLD!!

*Crackhead has joined the chat*

Horror: Damn, and I thought I was old

Error: Same

Cross: Guys please, he's not THAT old.

Cross: Don't worry boss, age got muffin on you! ^^

Nightmare: Muffin?

Cross: Damn yo hearing THAT bad? I said 'nothin'


Killer: GOT EM! BAHAHA!!

Horror: AYO!!

Error: DAMN!

Nightmare: F*ck all of you!!

*Your_worst_nootmare has left the chat*

*Minecraft_GoldenApple has joined the chat*

Dream: Glad that wasn't me

*Inktastic_Kiki has arrived*

Ink: It's 7:00 pm, Dream! Time for bed!!

Killer: Did him dirty! Lmao!

Horror: Sweet Dreams, Gramps! LOL


Cross: Damn

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Cross: Damn... Even his memes are old

Author's note

Four posts in one night! YAY

Hope you enjoyed it!

Also, I will be posting another chapter of Immortality very soon!

Stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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