Dark humor

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Nightmare: Why can't a t-rex clap?

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Ink: why?

Nightmare: Cause it's dead

Blue: wow...

Killer: Oh I get it! XD

Dream: that wasn't funny tho

Dust: dark humor is never funny. . .until it is

Ink: wat?

Dust: how do you make a plumber sad?

Dream: I don't even wanna know

Dust: kill his family

Killer: XD omg!

Blue: . . .

Horror: A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks "why the long face"

Blue: oh! I get it! Horses have long faces lol!

Horror: The horse replied "my wife has terminal cancer"

Blue:. . .

Killer: priceless dark humor right there

Cross: what do you call an empty man?

Nightmare: What?

Cross: dead

Nightmare: hehe

Dream: it's just really sad

Killer: what's worse than biting into an apple with a worm in it? The renegade

Dream: the tik tok dance? Lol

Blue: yay! It was funny

Killer: and mass genocide

Dream: *hello darkness my old friend*

Nightmare: Your memes aren't getting any funnier dream

Ink: why did the kid drop his ice cream?

Blue: why?

Ink: he got hit by a truck. . .did I do it right?

Nightmare: Yes! Lol

Killer: XD

Cross: for the first time in forever

*An.Error.Has.Occured has joined the chat*

Horror: welcome to the chat, error

Error: what do you call a monster who is dead inside?

Nightmare:. . .idk

Error: A sans

*An.Error.Has.Occured has now been announced dark humor god*

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