Clothes Swap

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Ink: Were so bored!!

Ink: Were so bored!!

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Dust: me too

Horror: yep

Stretch: just do what we did

Cross: Oh we did this while working on Underverse

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Cross: Oh we did this while working on Underverse

Cross: Oh we did this while working on Underverse

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Blue: Oh yeah! That was fun!

Ink: we tried it! Pretty cute huh?

Ink: we tried it! Pretty cute huh?

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Dream: ohh I want to try that!

Error: can I have my clothes back?

Nightmare: Speaking of Underverse
Who loved their part?

Horror: wait wut?

Dust: yeah! What are we talking about?

Killer: I loves playing my role with you senpai!

Nightmare:. . .anyone else?

Ink: I had a great time

Cross: being the worst character and all

Ink: It was great! And fun!

Dust: What's Underverse!?

Nightmare: A series we all played in

Horror: why wasn't we in it?

Killer: Cause I'm the better bad sans lol

Dust: so litteraly Everyone but me and horror got to be apart of it?

Nightmare: Yep..

Stretch: pretty much

Blue: sorry but yeah

Horror: wow...

Error: Not saying anything but I was the best and most favorite character throughout the series

Nightmare: Whoa whoa whoa! Hold your horses there

Error: what's a horse?

Nightmare: I was the best and most favorite character

Dream: I technically saved the day by bringing classic

Killer: but Classic saved carrot and kicked chara's butt

Dust: I would love to see that

Cross: what about the main character?

Error: carrot face chickened out lol

Blue: yeah! He just left!

Stretch: my bad

Dust: stop spoiling it! I'm gonna watch it

Blue: I'm pretty sure everyone loved me most tho

Nightmare: Probably

Cross: guys I'm litteraly the first person you see in the theme song!

Error: but I was the most bad ass

Nightmare: That was me and killer

Cross: I was!

Blue: what about when I fought Xchara?

Ink: what about me?

. . . .

Error: ABSOLUTLY not

Dream: Are we still showing swapped clothes pictures?

Dream: Are we still showing swapped clothes pictures?

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