Chapter 27

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-Eunji's pov-

"Do you like anyone of them? " Sunoo asked.

I widened my eyes in surprised. Who thought he would ask these types of questions. I blinked multiple times and said. "I don't know i have to think about it".

Im honest. I don't really know what am i feeling right now. I can't admit that i like Sunghoon, but i can't deny either. Also, it's not that i don't like Jake, but maybe, i see him just as a friend. But sometimes, it's irritating and frustrating.

I remembered once i asked Jake about this,


"Can i ask you something? " I tilted my head towards him and said.

"Sure, what's about it? " He looked at my direction and said.

"Uh um, if you think you like one girl, more like your friend, but also you find another girl attractive, uh or, you're falling for her too. Or you can say that, you like both of them at the SAME time, who would you rather choose? " I bit my lips and said

"It's not that of you who would ask such questions, but sure, I'll tell you my opinion" He chuckled at our conversation and said.

"So, " I was being curious to know about his opinion.

"I'd rather choose the who care for me, or show more interest to me. I know there's only 0.1% chance of your crush liking you back, but if i still have to go for her, I'll choose the sincere one. " He chuckled and said .

I nodded my head in agreement and processed what he said.

"Btw who are that two lucky guys huh? " He said in a flirty way.

I hit his arms playfully and said, "U-um it's about a friend of mine! "

"Ouch! Now you don't have to make an excuse, young lady" He said and laughed.

-flashback ends-
(This was what happened at the rooftop on ch-25)

We arrived at our destination and got off the bus. It was so tiring so i did some stretching to my hands and my legs were paralyzed when i stepped on the ground.

"Letchugo! " Jungwon shouted and ran around in amused. Yeah i forgot to tell you that along with us, class 1-A also joined us, in which Niki and Jungwon are there. There's a very big ancient type of house ahead of us. I think it was where we'll spend our holidays, i mean our nights.

We wandered around the house and it was huge, with many rooms. It has so many ancient materials or stuffs and some of them are which we never saw before.

Me and Saemi decided to share a room together. We picked one room randomly and went inside to put our things. Soon after we went outside the house 'cause the teachers informed us to gather there.

"You can walk around the area but please remember to come back before 5pm. And don't go to far places from here, or we'll be worried. Understand? " Mrs. Song said with sincerity and we all responded a 'YES' in sync.

Saemi dragged me with her to some places which she felt perfect for a photo to be taken. Yeah im the camera woman there. She loves taking pictures and of course i can't deny to her begging you know right?

We took some selcas together too and she was filled with joy and amusement. I told her to send some photos in my phone 'cause my phone's battery is low and we didn't use that.

"What?? It's not the time for that" She frowned and looked at her phone to see her battery was dead. "Great" she said.

"Did you brought your power bank with you right now? " I asked her.

"Uh no it's on my bag. Wait for a minute and I'll bring that. Stay right here, don't even move an inch" She said and left me there alone.

I looked at my surroundings and we were quite deep in the forest. Hopefully i was not alone. I saw Jay, Jungwon, Sunghoon and Niki few meters away. They bought their DSLR camera and taking photos too. I sat down 'cause of tiredness and played with the stones on the ground.

I heard a cat saying 'meow' near me. I stood up and looked around and saw that cat behind a bush. It was white with black stripes. 'Weird' i thought. I also noticed he was hurt near his paws.


This is me rn

This is me rn

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