Chapter 41

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-third-person's pov-

Sunghoon finally reached his destination after a 3 hours flight. He checked the time and it was 7pm already.

He took his belongings and made his way out of the airport along with Taevin and the others. It was dark at that time and the street lights were already on.

"Bro annyeong. I'll get going now" Taevin said and waved him a bye before disapearing from his vision. So as the others.

Right then he received a message from Eunji.

Im on my way^^.

He quietly smiled at her because she insisted to come. He told him like so many times that she don't have to come but she never listened.

"Oppa you're not going? " His smile fades away when he heard her cheeky voice again.

He sighed at her sudden appearance and said, "Why is it you again? I thought you left. "

"I didn't. And why are you still here? " She asked with a smile.

He doesn't want to waste his energy, replying to their conversation anymore but she was just standing infront of her like a dog begging for food. He sighed again and finally answered, "Im waiting for someone"

"Who? " She said, her eyebrows connected.

"There's nothing to concern you. Let me live peacefully." He said being annoyed and played with his phone to distract himself.

"You know that i like you right? " She said and pouted. That's gross.

He was tired of seeing her annoying face that she turned the other side and said, "You know, it bothers me, how many exact time have i told you that i don't like you and there's already a person i love! You don't seems to understand a thing. You need a check up. Shall i call a specialist for you? "

She went infront of him and about to say something but something distracted her eyes.

She saw a familiar figure coming out of the cab and as soon as she looked at their direction, he cupped Sunghoon's face and kissed him. It lasted for like 5 seconds.

He pushed her harshly and said, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? "

"I did what i wanted to do" She gave him a smirk.

He was so frustrated that he wanted to look anywhere but her. But unluckily her gaze stopped when he met her. Her teary eyes.

Without wasting a second she looked behind and started running with her tears running down her cheeks.

"I swear I'll kill you" He pointed at her face and said.

He ran after her with full when she was still on his sight. She was already on the other side of the road when he was about to cross the road. But unfortunately the traffic signal was green and the vehicles started running.

He ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated but at least he was handsome for the other people standing there. His breath was also heavy because of running. It was a thing to wonder how on earth is this girl suddenly became fast in running.

The traffic was finally red so he started searching for her again. Shee was out of sight but he kept on searching for her.

On the other hand, Eunji was near the Han river, walking very weak, becoming tired of running. It was hurtful for her when she saw the person who she loves, kissing another girl.

"All man do is lie. I shouldn't have trusted him. " She said looking up and trying to fan away the tears. But tears were still forming on her eyes everytime the scene came into her mind.

Luckily there were only few people who would have seen her ugly face.

While walking she saw a familiar guy with a dog. The dog was also familiar. Their eyes suddenly met and without thinking about anything, she quickly ran and hugged him and startes sobbing in his chest.

He didn't have any idea of what happened but he tried to calm her down by softly patting her head.

"Stop crying now, will you? " He said softly.

"You know what? " She said sobbing.

"If you won't tell me how would i know? " He chuckled at her cuteness and said.

"I-I'll tell you later" She said between her sobs. While he was hugging her and stroking her back lightly cause he know she need them right now.

Little did they know, that someone has been watching them from afar.


Finally coming to ending scenes.

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