Chapter 18

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Third person's pov

They looked at each other in shock. "Why are you up this late?" Sunghoon asked her tilting his head.

"What? I was not able to sleep so i came here? And why were you shouting so loud? It gave me goosebumps. " She rubbed her arms with her little paws on top of her oversized hoodie. One with the other.

"I wasn't the only only one shouting. You were too. And you were so creepy i almost got paralyzed. " Sunghoon said

"Geez stop being dramatic" She looked at him in disgust.

"Whatever" Sunghoon looked away and brushed his hair backwards. Yeah he always does that. That's his habit. 

"Why were you not sleeping? " She asked.

"Idk maybe i slept too much in the class " He walked to the kitchen table to and poured a glass if water whilst talking. And he drank.

"What are you gonna do now? Trying to sleep again?" He continued.

"Hmm wanna watch Netflix? " Eunji suggested.

"Sure" Sunghoon agreed.

They went to the other room where the tv was. That is the common room. Eunji seated but then stood up again.

"What? " He asked being confused.

"Im gonna take some chips and popcorn to eat" Eunji pointed to the kitchen

"Yeah for you, food is your first priority right? You can't stay without food even for 1 minute. See, you've gain weight. Get some exercise too. " Sunghoon teased her.

She stuck her tongue out and said, "Im not gaining any weight. And i don't want to do any kind of exercise. If i get an exercise for 2 minutes, i used to get cramps in my thighs. That's why i don't want to do. " She walked away.

She paused on her way and spun her toe to look back at him. "Plus im very fit and healthy. You'll not find a girl who is more perfect than me"  *insert flips hair.

"Eww that's gross" He made a disgusted face.


"Suggest me a movie" Eunji took the remote on her hand.

"Let's watch 'Avengers End Game" He said while sitting comfortably on the couch or sofa, you can say.

"You've watched it like the 30th time already! Even i memorized their dialogues alrealdy! " She whined.

"It's the 31st time. Everytime i watch this movie, it feels like new to me. " He made a dramatic face.

"Tch. Only this time. Understand" She showed her index finger at him.

"You're talking like you're my mom that i need to respect. Remember, im older than you. Give me respect" He was sitting like he was the boss here.

"You don't deserve to be respected. Poor you" She nodded her head right and left.

"Ahh it's cold" Sunghoon said and pulled the blanket closer to him and covered all his body.

"Yah i bought that. Go and take yours." She said

"I don't want to. Why don't you just come over here? " Sunghoon patted the empty space near him and smirking a bit😏.

Time skipped magically when the two began watching the tv. They've watch 1/4 of the movie already and the ending was near. And when Sunghoon was looking at the clock and it was 1:25 already. His gaze went back to the tv but in the middle he saw her fully concentrating on the scene. She was pulling the blanket close to her chin as it was cold and her little paws which were visible from her white oversized hoodie which she wore.


He thought.

He nodded his head to get out from his gaze and focused on the tv.


After 13 minutes the movie ended and both Sunghoon and Eunji were yawning because of tiredness.

"Can i ask you something? " Eunji suddenly muttered.

"Go ahead" He replied


This still have a long way to go.

Btw are you in Team Seojun or Team Suho?

Im in team Seojun😏

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