Chapter 6

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-third person's pov-

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-third person's pov-

"Huh, what was your name again? Kang Eunji?"

"it's Shin Eunji." Eunji rolled her eyes lazily at the taller male in which she received the same eye roll, both scoffing at the end

"I can't believe im living with you

" Sunghoon said throwing his bag on the couch and later just plopped on top of it.

"what makes you think i want to live with a bee" said eunji. Both of them found each other so annoying that they could just grab each other's hair and start a fight. However both of them didn't want to start a mess by fighting so they just fought with their mouth. God damn, these kids.

"Then why did you tell her that i can live here? And, did you just call me a bee? " Sunghoon eyes widened in a fraction, looking at her with his jaw dropped.

"yea an annoying buzzing bee for God's sake"

"your mouth stinks"

"yours too"

"This house is my property from now on. Because it's my aunt's. I can do whatever I want, but you can't"

"guess to whom did she give the house key? " she wiggled her eyebrows while showing him the key and after that, she walked away while still being sassy as the material gurl she is.



Morning arrived and sun rays rushing through the tiny gaps of the white curtain hung just above her head hitting right on her face- the bed is not in the right position, yes. She needs to change it.

She woke up before her alarm even rang. I did my usual morning routine, wore her uniform first before going down to cook breakfast. She was making scrambled eggs while keeping her playlist  on tune and vibing to it.

A good morning.

Not exactly.

She stopped cracking the eggs when she suddenly realised that the bee was now living with her, in the same house, under the same roof. tf does she needs to cook for him too?

"Did he not wake up yet " She question herself.

Eunji sighed and went up to his room which was just after her room, upstairs. She knocked on the door but heard no response. She knocked again, "Yah Sunghoon"

still no response.

"Yah Park Sunghoon!" He didn't answered.

Just so you know, Eunji had anger issues that's why she got angry already and oped the door as she noticed it was not locked. "PARK-". He was not there.

" What? Im in the bathroom." He shouted from the bathroom which was connected to his room.

What was she about to say again?

"Oh. I'm gonna make scrambled eggs for breakfast. you can throw away or feed the stray dogs if you don't want to eat. " she said and almost left when she turned back inside his room again.

"I'm gonna wait for you." There's much time left for the school so yea?

she was drinking the mango juice and scrolling through her phone when she heard him clear his throat. she didn't even noticed when did he arrive here in the first place.

"When did you come here? "

He replied "it's been ages" gosh this mf-

"Ok. Im going after Sunoo picks me up. are you coming along? ". said Eunji.

"no thanks, I can go by myself."


she said and left him, speechless. he wasn't expecting that to be honest.

"it's not my fault if Sunoo leave you and you get lost in the middle of the street" Sunghoon probably didn't have anything to say but he still said whatever. he was like those typical movie characters who didn't want to loose even when they play with kids.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Saying that, she left the house and Sunoo just arrived too , waving at

her a 'good morning' and as always, smiling brighter than the sun.

The two besties shared their gossips while walking alongside the footpath on their way to the school. She told him about what happened the night before as they chatted.

"Whatt!?? You mean Sunghoon is living with you!??? That Park Sunghoon? " Sunoo screamed.

"You didn't need to shout like that! " I said in a low tone.

"Oppsie, Sorry Eunji. But if he bully you, please inform me. Im gonna turn him into a peanut" he said doing the actions too. She laughed at him, swearing that he was definitely too cute to handle.

 She laughed at him, swearing that he was definitely too cute to handle

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so, how do we feel👀

the way i hate you; park sunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now