Chapter 38

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-third-person's pov-

While the others were enjoying their time, Eunji phone rang and she went out to accept the call. "I'll go to the washroom" , she said and left.

She looked at the name and a smile crept on her face. "Wae?"

"What's with the greeting? Are you busy? " Sunghoon said on the other side.

"Umm im not busy why? You've reached? " She played with her feet while talking to him.

"Just because? And yes, im at the dorm, i mean at the hotel. " He said.

"Ahh" Eunji nodded. There was a loud shout from the inside which startled her.

"Why is there so noisy? Who are with you? " Sunghoon said. She didn't know he could hear them too.

"Saemi dragged me to the karaoke. " She replied shortly.

"Are there any guys?" Sunghoon asked.

She decided to teased him this time so she said, "Yes there are 6 of them"

"WHAT!? GO HOME RIGHT NOW" She could imagine him standing up from his actual position when she heard what he said just now.

"No" She said without hesitant.

"NOW. " He shouted on the phone which led Eunji to distant her phone from her ear.

"Relax. I was kidding and not kidding. Im with Saemi and the rest of your friends. Clear? " She explained.

"That's a relief. Dont stay out late ok? " She could hear a sigh escaping from his mouth. A kid. She thought and laughed it off.

"Araseo. Bye" She said and put her phone on her blazer.

She smiled for unknown reasons and then a light tap on her shoulder made her frightened for a bit. She looked back in a quick way and saw a girl was standing.

"Oh! Yuli? What are you doing here? " She said.

"I was on my way to the washroom then i saw a familiar uniform so i just came here(?) " Yuli replied with a smile.

"Okay then I'll go in first. Have fun! " Eunji said as she bid her a goodbye.

She went inside and Jake pat the empty sofa near him, signalling her to sit. "Mwo? " She sat comfortably and eating the chips.

"Where did you went? " He asked her.

"I got a call from Sunghoon. " She said showing her phone.

"Ohh. What did he said? " Jake asked.

"Uh nothing much. Just random things. " She shrugged.

"He really loves you right?" Jake asked out of nowhere which led Eunji eyes went big.

"Another topic" She said waving her hands.

"What? Are you shy? " He laughed on the outside but on the inside, he wasn't really happy.

"Im not. " 

"You are. "

Although he loved her too, he decided to erase that feeling. For his best friend. He always try to keep himself away from her, cause he knows  if he don't ,she was just a mist of dust which will go away when he try to embrace it.



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Idk what to say.

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