Chapter 9

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-Sunghoon's pov-

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-Sunghoon's pov-

As we were going towards our classroom, i saw Jay, Heeseung and Eunji chatting near the locker room. I didn't want to bother them so i just went towards my class. After 9-10 minutes, Jay and Eunji were coming together but went to different seats. Eunji sat with Sunoo and Jay with me.

"Park Jeongseon-" I called him but he rather cut me off before I could even finish my sentence.

"What" He replied not leaving even 1 second after i called his name

"May i know what chit-chat was going on there? " I don't know why am i asking him this but.

"May i know why are you so curious about huh? Did you thought that we would steal her from you?" He wiggled his eyebrows and came closer to me. I leaned back, I swear This drama of Jay never end

"Aish this boy" I cursed at him underneath my breath.

"Im older than you by nine months. Respect me" He said looking away. What is there to respect ha? We're born in the same year.

"So basically, i found that she's not like what you think she seemed to be. You know, she's good. " Jay looked at her place and so did I, she was copying Sunoo's notes I guess.

"What do you mean good? She's annoying." I said looking away.

"Aey you know what? Love stories like this exist. At first, they hate each other, then eventually in the end they fall in love with each other " He shrugged and continued drawing anime at the back of his book.

"So you're telling me that, that will happen to us? Stop dreaming Jay, that will never happen. Never ever" I don't believe in superficial love at all. I just pretended that I ignored him.

"Aey look at you trying to act cool" Jay said hitting my shoulder.

"Bitch what did you said?" I looked at him from tip to toe and looked at him furiously. he knew i was kidding but still acted along.

"I said I love you" I slapped the back of his head and he faked a groan.

"Where's Jake by the way?" I tried to change the topic while searching some notes on the textbook.

"Do I know?" He simply said and ignored me later.

The small classroom was loud af. We were supposed to have Physics by now, but I guess Mr. Jeon is absent.


The first period had already ended without a teacher. Not long after, the teacher for the next class came in the classroom taking all attention from the students towards him. He took the attendance and started his class.

The thing is that, im not very good in studies but i still manage to pass my exams. It's hard for an athlete to practice as well as studies.

After all, it's not my fault.

After a whole 45 minutes of class, it ended. The teacher went out of the class with his book and glasses tucked between his hand and the book. It was a break time now so while i was cleaning my desk, i looked around and saw a figure in front of Eunji's desk. It was a girl.

So basically i had my exams so i didn't update for long

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So basically i had my exams so i didn't update for long. Hope you understand:)

the way i hate you; park sunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now