✨ 💫Back at Hogwarts💫 ✨

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It was the start of a new year and Harry had just got used to being back at school. He was sitting in the gryffindor common room when he got this thought in his head. All he could think about was last year with Tom Riddle and The Chamber of secrets. Ginny was still recovering from last year,  which I'm not surprised by. It was her who had been doing those horrendous things,  writing those messages on the walls. But it wasn't her fault, It was Toms. The dark brown haired boy took out a book from his bag and started reading, it was the weekend so Harry was in his normal clothes. Comfortable he saw Ginny approach him,  putting his book down he closed it.

"Hey Ginny" He shared a small smile when she sat down, she looked awfully nervous. Probably because of last year "Anything wrong?" he asked. Ginny sighed looking down watching herself fiddle with her fingers for a few seconds then looked up at him. "Yeah.. " she mumbled abit nervous she took a few seconds before she began to speak.

"I'm honestly so sorry for last year,  that I didn't tell you or anyone about what was happening. About Riddle, I really wanted to but I didn't know how to tell anyone. It wasn't easy to try and stop him-".

"Ginny!, it's fine. It's all over now,  he's gone. The diary has been destroyed now, don't worry. You already apologized " he spoke putting a hand on her shoulder,  a small smile appearing on his face again.

She smiled slightly back at him, looking into his perfect emerald green eyes lit her cheeks up. With a bright red cherry colour,  like a Christmas tree. "Alright,  thanks Harry.  That made me feel a lot better. I just felt I needed to get that off my chest".

Harry looked at her with a light chuckle "Good you did,  there's nothing to worry or be scared of anymore".  "You're gonna be fine" he confirmed pulling his hand off of her shoulder.

Ginny smiled at him feeling much better and free,  she nodded and stood up. Giving a small wave at him and walked away, away to talk to Hermione. Then his Red-Headed Friend came over and sat down beside him, Ron.

"Hey Harry,  what was up with Ginny?" he asked, curious of what they were talking about. "Ginny?" The Emerald Eyed teen mumbled "Oh!".

"She was just apologizing for last year,  she already did last year when she woke up after I destroyed Tom Riddles diary. But she apparently needed to apologize again, abit annoying cause I said it was fine. But I can understand why she keeps apologizing, I'd probably be like that if I was in her situation ".

Ron tilted his head and chuckled abit "Usual Ginny, I understand as well.. Though I don't know why she didn't tell us while it was happening".  He mumbled a small frown appearing on his face as he looked at the floor for a few seconds,  but lit up after and looked back at Harry. "But atleast she's fine now!". He exclaimed swinging an arm around The Dark brown haired Teens shoulders.

Harry tilted his head when he said usual Ginny but just shook it off, "Yeah I question that as well. But she was looking at me while we were doing our homework, it was right after that dueling club incident with Malfoy... And that snake incident ".  He mumbled the last part still abit uncomfortable.

"Aye lighten up mate! It worked out in the end, if you couldn't speak Parseltongue you couldn't get into the chamber. And if you couldn't get into the chamber you couldn't of saved Ginny and destroy Tom Riddles diary. Then hogwarts would be closed. So you're very lucky it worked out in the end!".  Ron exclaimed a bright smile across his face.

The other boy realized about how right he was, he was right. Parseltongue actually was a really good gift. If he could speak it, everyone would be doomed. "Yeah I guess you're right" he smiled at him. "Anyway I think we should get to bed in awhile, we'll have to have a good sleep before classes start tomorrow".  He says " Plus I don't wanna be late like our first year and at our first class".  He chuckles remembering the look on Professor Mcgonagall face,  it was quite awkward.

"Yeah" Ron Chuckled "We should, and it's getting late as we'll " he realized.  "Alright let's go" he says pulling his arm off of Harry's shoulder. He started walking up the stairs while Harry followed him,  having his book in his hand.


Word count: 777

Hey guys it's La-Lloyd!!
So I have bad news, I might be abandoning The Childhood they Lost story.
I just lost interest in Ninjago, anyway let's forget about that!!
This is my first time writing about Harry Potter, I've been denying this for awhile but I'm giving it a try.
Please don't hate me:/

Anyway,  Bye Ninjas!!!

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