🕌🍝The Great Hall🍝🕌

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After a couple of hours Harry slowly opened his Emerald Green eyes, looking over to the desk he grabbed his glasses and put them on. Looking around the room he slowly sat up. The student that was there earlier was now nowhere to be seen, he looked down beside the desk and saw his rucksake. Hermione or Ron must've been here.... He was very uncomfortable now,  cause sleeping in his uniform wasn't the best thing. Standing up Harry felt a pain in his chest, clenching into his jumper where the pain was he slowly fell.
Now on his knees his head rested on the side of the bed, he began to calm down by taking deep breaths. Soon the pain went away. So he stood up, being careful he didn't hit his side or anything while he did. As that could cause the pain to come back, he didn't get back into bed. He just sat at the edge of the bed, slowly fidgeting with his fingers. It was now after school hours and Harry had left The Hospital Wing a couple hours ago.

"Honestly mate,  you shouldn't do all nighters. I tried that once and it didn't end well, Ginny told on me like she always does". The Ginger Whined " Just can't keep her mouth shut, always has something to say" he snickered. As he walked to The Gryffindor Common Room with the other two they talked and talked, after changing out of their uniform they decided to go to Hagrids. Hermione wouldn't stop babbling about how stupid Harry was for not sleeping, honestly. She was scarier than Ron's mother Molly Weasley, after an hour or two the three said bye to the tall man.

Now back in the castle they were just in time for dinner, everyone was out of their uniform and in their normal clothes now. Walking over to The Gryffindor Table everyone was talking and eating, the teachers were at the front of The Great Hall.  Sitting down beside Ron Hermione was facing the two, As the three ate Harry had a strange feeling in his stomach... It was new. He just felt something familiar was around the school, not The Dementers or Sirius Black.

But something he's seen before... Someone- "Harry-_-" Ron tapped his shoulder, the other boy getting startled. "Sorry.. " He mumbled but before Hermione could ask what he was thinking of he immediately shoved some food into his mouth. Hermione annoyed at him she rolled her eyes and took a sip of Pumpkin Juice when Dumbledore started talking to everyone in The Hall. Putting down her cup she looked towards the front of The Hall, As well as everyone in The Hall. He talked about How The Dementers will be around the school until they capture The Mass Murder, Sirius Black. He honestly had no clue who he was, only that he escaped Azkaban. That's all,  All he knew. He looked bloody mental in his wanted poster it was almost hard to not look at him, it actually startled him when he first saw it.

After The Feast had ended the whole hall started to make their way to their common rooms. Walking into The Gryffindor one Harry walked with Ron And Hermione before seeing Ginny sitting alone. Hermione decided she'd go over and talk to her, seeing if she was ok. She was obviously still paranoid about last year, but she didn't wanna continue saying she was. The two boys were sitting down with Dean, Seamus and Neville talking about their summer and some other stuff. It was already dark outside as they were talking, they decided to go upstairs and talk. Messing around with Weasleys new candy treats and having pillow fights.


Word count: 622

Hey Guys It's La-Lloyd!!
I'm actually doing a good job at doing daily posts.
Never done this before so it's surprising.
Literally been writing this for the half hour, not kidding.
These chats are still getting shorter.

Anyway, Bye Ninjas!!


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