💤🌑The memory that felt like a dream🌑💤

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After potions the trio walked out of the classroom, the female in the group looked completely fine but. Harry had kept on staring into space and Ron had a startled look on his face. It was because he got told off by Professor Snape, As Hermione was walking with the two boys she pushed the boy in glasses to get his attention.

Harry jumped abit at this and looked at her
"What is up with you today Harry? You seem very... Out of it" She questioned with a worried voice. The Dark haired Teenager looked at the female and sighed
"Yeah, I just can't stop thinking about last year. With Voldem- Well Tom Riddle and The Chamber Of Secrets. And after everyone thought I was the Heir Of Slytherin just because I could speak parseltongue".  He spoke.

Ron looked at Harry and laughed "They'd have to be bloody mental to think you were- or still are". He said assuring his friend as they all walked down the stairs. "Anyway,  we might wanna get to our next class before we're late- again".


The young five year old boy was getting hit by his abusive uncle everytime he showed his face. He was skinny- but too skinny. Standing up he opened the front door and ran out, it was Nighttime and the child was exhausted. His uncle yelled after him but didn't bother to chase after him, after all he wanted rid of him as well. The boy startled crying as he ran through the dark streets,  scared and alone he ran into the forest.

He tripped and cut his hand by a piece of glass on the forest floor. There was someone in the forest with him... The mysterious person looked from behind a tree, seeing the crying boy. He thought of his own childhood while looking at him "Tsk! God dammit". He muttered annoyed at himself as he approached the small child.

The hooded figure knelt down beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. In tears the boy got startled and yanked his shoulder away, slowly backing up in fear. His face had scratches all over it but... There was. A scar on the right of his forehead,  the hooded figure got startled seeing it. His eyes widening.. But he couldn't hurt a child.... He slowly moved closer and put his hand out. "Hey.... I'm not going to hurt you... It's ok" he said calmly, his face still hidden.

But that obviously didn't make the younger boy trust him. So the teen pulled his hood down, revealing his perfect black hair. His red eyes lit up his surroundings. He had perfect cheekbones "See.... I'm just a normal guy". Harry calmed down abit seeing his face and slowly put his small hand on the teenagers one. His hands a perfect temperature, Harry's hands were cold so that warmed them up.

"The Names Tom, Tom Riddle" He smiled at him. It honestly disgusted him, he didn't smile much cause everyone at his both schools already called his smile creepy. But he had to let the child be comfortable around him to help him out. After all, he had a vision of what he was like when he was Harry's age.

Harry was just like a mini version of himself. Slowly pulling the boy over he picked him up, and stood up. The child startled, but already tired he laid his chin in The Teens shoulder. He walked over to a tree and sat down, holding the boy in his lap. He wrapped his cloak around him to act as a blanket, cause the child was freezing.

He held the boy to his chest and slowly ran his fingers thought his hair, "Shhhhh... " he mumbled calming him down. As he was shaking abit, when he got more calm he took one hand off of him. He pulled out his wand and slowly mumbled a healing spell, healing the boys wounds made by his aunt and uncle. Once done he put his wand back in his pocket, wrapping his arm back around him.

Slowly rubbing his back and keeping him calm.

"It's ok, child... "


Word count: 697

Hey guys it's La-Lloyd!!
I honestly love the Thought of Little Harry and Tom.
It's so wholesome the thought
Of it.
I honestly haven't got much to say xd

Anyway, Bye Ninjas!!


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