Ch 21: Caged Bird

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Kali was indeed sick after running the obstacle course that was set up outside in the training quarters.  It was the same area that she and Link had sparred each other during her last visit, but it appeared that this obstacle course was set up specifically for training the knights and making sure they stay in shape. 

At first, Kali was hesitant about running the course as she would be running it at the same time as the knight. Some part of her brain that Impa had developed for training had taken over, and she was able to put them out of her mind. 

It became abundantly clear that Kali had become fast when in the throes of battle, but she was not in the least bit agile.  She could barely keep up with the beginner recruits, and almost cried when Impa made her go again. 

And again....and then finally, one of the knights recognized the expression on her face, and the pale, nearly green pallor of her skin. Thankfully, he was quick to toss her the bucket. 

"Please...make me do something else..." Kali managed between heaves.

Impa laughed lowly as she patted her back, before standing just as Hector rounded the corner, his dark eyes on the recruits still running the course.  Impa stroked her chin with thought, and Hector caught her stare.  He bowed swiftly, then approached as Impa beckoned him over. 

Kali groaned and leaned back against the cool stones of the wall.

"Lady Impa, it is good to see you again." Hector said, his smile making his already wide jaw even wider.  He was in full regalia - armor, massive shoulder plates, and holding his helmet under his arm. 

"Likewise, Hector." Impa said, giving a curt bow in return, "I did not want to overstep.  I was wondering if I may borrow one or two of your knights to assist in Lady Kali's training."

Hector looked down at Kali questioningly, and she knew what he must see.  A girl who had just finished throwing her guts up from an obstacle course. She was pale, sweaty, and looked like she desperately wanted to nap. 

All of which were true, of course. 

He raised a thick dark brow, "With all due respect to you, and of course Lady Kali, I don't know if er-"

"She is more resilient than she seems," Impa reassured him, crossing her arms, "Though, I wouldn't recommend pitting her against brand new recruits, perhaps more intermediate would be a challenge for her."

Hector scratched the back of his head, his dark hair cut very short, close to his skull, and gazed at the groups of knights standing around waiting for their turn to run the course. 

"Men!" He barked, his voice echoing clearly over the grounds. 

They stood at attention and then jogged over to them.  Kali thought she should at least make the effort to stand if they were going to move onto sparring.

"Would any of you like to volunteer to spar with Lady Kali as part of her training?" Hector asked, staring down his nose at his men. 

Naturally, they all looked at her with the same questions in their eyes. 

Hector cleared his throat awkwardly before following up with, "I am told she is....resilient."

A few of them shrugged and volunteered.  Kali assumed that they were thinking it was a free shot at an easy training day, and her blood heated.  The color quickly returned to her skin as Impa handed her a ceramic cup full of water. 

Kali downed it with ease.  Then used the rest to swish around her mouth, thankful to get the bile taste out of her mouth.  She spit it into the mud while she went to get her weapons.

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