Ch 22: Nightmares

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Kali fought back a cry of joy as she threw her arms around Link's neck, an excited laugh escaping her instead.  "What are you doing here?" she asked in a rushed whisper. 

He returned her hug with a squeeze. In both her excitement snd horror she drew back to give him a half hearted smack on the shoulder, "And why are you sneaking up on me like that? I keep saying we need to put a bell around your neck or something."

He chuckled, trying to keep his voice low as he let his hands rest at her waist.  "Hey, that's unfair." he retorted, "You just hit me twice."

"That's what you get for acting like some kind of psychotic serial killer, putting your hand over my mouth like that." she laughed, and pulled him into another tight hug.  She savored the steadiness of him, the familiarity of his woodsmoke and metal scent.  "I'm so happy to see you."

Kali felt his face press into the hollow of her neck as he tightened his arms around her in return.  Her heartbeat sped.  She hadn't forgotten those idle touches shared between them week ago. The memory was renewed by the delicate stroke of his strong hand over her back.

It had felt like years since then.  Had she craved intimate touch so desperately all this time?Those feelings intimidated her, and her cheeks warmed as she pulled away. Kali gave him a quick once over, confirming that he was alright.  He was safe, and real and there with her again.

"I'm okay," He smiled, letting his arms fall, "It's about time you finally made your way out here."

Her brows crinkled, confusion lining her expression, "What do you mean, finally?"

He rubbed the back of his neck and averted his gaze; the picture of guilt. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms in a silent demand for an answer.  "I mean...I did give you the hint to come out here."

Her mouth went agape as a horrifying realization clicked in her mind, "Have you been sneaking out here to meet with me?" she asked in a furious whisper.  She shook her head as another piece of the puzzle fit itself into her brain, "That's why you haven't been sending me letters?"

"Well, yes but also because I thought that might frustrate you since you can't read them."

He knew she couldn't read, and knew that his letters would be seen before they got to her anyway. So instead...

"Have you been sneaking out here every night?" she asked, guilt fluttering in her stomach.  She imagined him sitting on the stone bench night after night, alone with only the light of the stars and the distant torch light illuminating his figure. 

He shook his head, waving her worries away, "No, I haven't had time.  I've only come by every now and again, maybe a couple times a week since they made me leave.  They must really have you under close watch if it took you this long to get away.  I thought....if you wanted, we could go somewhere off the castle grounds."

Kali blinked a few time, then a wide grin split her face.  Of course she did!  She'd been lacking the support of her friends, besides Impa, since she'd arrived and this—this was exactly what she craved.  Freedom, privacy, her friends. That must have been answer enough, because he grinned back at her, mischief dancing in his eyes. 

"Think you can be as sneaky as me?" Link's tone was joking and even a little smug. 

She pinched his shoulder playfully, and giggled quietly in response.  His hand found her's, and she yanked her hood back up as she let Link lead her into the shadows. 

Link just have memorized the exact rotations of the patrolling guards throughout the courtyard and surrounding gardens, because he moved through the shadows with an ease and a silence she didn't know he was capable of.  He always seemed so warrior-like, that it was hard to imagine him slinking around in the dark corners of the castle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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