Ch 10: The Princess

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Kali shifted her shoulders uncomfortably as she followed the servant down the hallway.
Their steps echoed, and it felt unusually silent in the castle. Maybe she had just never noticed how truly empty it was.

As they passed the windows, she gazed out into the night - spotting the occasional flicker of torches along the path, then the distant glow of the lit lanterns in the castle town. It seemed so far away now.

She rolled her shoulders again, frowning down at the dress she was wearing. She rummaged through the armoire in her room before finally coming out with a dress that would fit.

It was a soft day gown that was the color of newly blooming spring leaves. The material gathered just below her bust and flowed to the floor in slippery silk and sheer fabric. The sleeves were long and lay across the widest part of her shoulders, exposing much of her collarbone. The trim was embroidered with the golden patterns of leaves and vines.

So far, she hadn't seen any dresses like these outside of the castle.  It must be for noble guests of the royal family. Kali wasn't so uncomfortable because of the way the gown fit. In fact, fit her pretty well. It was the fact that the material was so light and slick, that she just felt very bare and vulnerable.

At least she had managed to find shoes that weren't heels in the closet. It made her feel a little better wearing leather slippers that she could run in easily.

Both she and the servant came to a halt at a towering set of deep blue and gold doors. They must lead into the throne room. The servant turned and faced her, his expression emotionless. He looked younger than her, she noticed, his face still rounded with youth. He couldn't be any older than fifteen.

"Please follow these rules when meeting with the princess," He started, folding his hands in front of him, "Please curtsy to the princess upon meeting and address her as 'Your Highness' or 'Your Majesty'. Do not rise unless you are bid to. Keep your hands folded in front of you while speaking. Do not speak unless asked a direct question by the princess or Lady Impa."

The mention of Impa being in this meeting made Kali's shoulders relax a little. It was a relief knowing that she wouldn't be completely alone.

He looked her up and down, pausing. Kali raised a brow at him and narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Would it be alright if I arrange for you to be more presentable?" He asked, his voice unwavering.


Kali frowned, "Yeah, I guess so."

He stepped around her to fuss with her hair, twisting it into a knot on the back of her head. She felt sharp pins slide painfully against her scalp to hold it in place. Then he pinched her cheeks hard and she winced, gritting her teeth. He took her wrists and folded her hands in front of her. Then he reached around with both hands and with a hard yank straightened her posture. All of this happened in about ten seconds.

She already felt tired. He circled back around and put his hand on his chin thoughtfully, watching her.

"What?" she finally asked, her voice more sharp than she'd meant it to be.

"You should try smiling more," He replied.

Whatever look she'd given him in response made him change his mind because he straightened and shook his head. "Very well, remember the rules."

He opened the door. She'd be damned if she looked happy to be in this situation.

They stepped into the room and Kali's eyes roamed. There was much to look at, but the room still felt so empty. Their steps echoed loudly in the barren hall. Maybe she was just anxious which made everything seem much louder in this room.

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