Chapter 14: That's His Mother?! Hidden Power Unleashed

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 14 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"(Y/N)'s sword collides with Cinder's to start them off in their battle, Ozpin and Jaune looked in shock to find out that (Y/N)'s mother is the one responsible for attacking Beacon Academy with the White Fang along with the Grimm that came into the academy. Cinder blocked attacks from him to avoid getting injured and still shocked that her son is alive and right in front of her, their blades collided with (Y/N) summoning a fireball and hitting her in the gut knocking her back making her grunt in pain. He rushes at her to do a spin kick knocking her down on the ground and she winced in pain, (Y/N) slowly walks towards her with his sword in his hand.....................
(Y/N): " Finally, *steps on her arm making her yell in pain* I now get to do what I was waiting for to do. Time to die mother!" *raises his sword in the air*
Cinder: "(Y/N), *raises her hand towards him* please! Wait!"
Ozpin: "STOP! *grabs his wrist* She's the one who put the Fall Maiden in a comatose state, she has a little bit of the Fall Maiden power inside her."
(Y/N): "You don't understand the pain I went through Ozpin, she left me to die!"
Ozpin: "She will answer for the crimes she has done, but this isn't-"
.....................he was interrupted with getting stabbed in the gut by Cinder's weapon, (Y/N)'s eyes widen with Jaune and Pyrrha's and it causes (Y/N) to kick her back into the wall next to the elevator, she goes in it to escape and she does with (Y/N) checking on Ozpin while Purchasing comes out the pod...................
(Y/N): "I'm sorry Ozpin."
Jaune: "So, she's your mother? And she tried to kill you?"
(Y/N): "The house was on fire, she was gone, but I was still in there."
Pyrrha: "(Y/N)."
Ozpin: "You all- Need to go, now! *Jaune and Pyrrha ran to the elevator, but he grabs (Y/N)'s wrist* Mister Fall wait, please restrain yourself for killing- Your mother, she had sadness in her eyes."
(Y/N): "I doubt there's any kind of regret inside her!"
Ozpin: "(Y/N), sometimes people are forced to do what others didn't want to. Tell Mister Aozora Chan that his cousin-"
...................he dies before he could finish, he looks at the pod with the other woman inside the other pod is Cy's cousin. He sighs as he stands up and walks to the pod. Back up top Cy is battling White Fang and Grimm as he killed the Grimm standing in his way, he ran around the corner to see four White Fang Soldiers running towards him, he jumps in the air to spin kick two in the head to follow up with elbow striking the two in the neck. He hears Yang's weapons going off, he looks to see Yang charging at Adam with an injured Blake under him, he knew what he was going to do causing him to rush at him as fast as he can to drop kick Adam in the head making him fly away from Blake and crash into the wall...................
Yang: "Cy!"
Cy: "Yang, get Blake outta here. I'll hold off this bastard!"
Blake: "Cy no, he's dangerous."
Cy: "Funny, I am to."
Yang: "Be careful Cy."
.....................Yang picks up Blake and runs out with Yang looking at him again and she ran out, Adam gets up with the two looking at each other in anger. They ran at each other with Cy equipping a sword himself with their blades colliding.....................
Cy: "You're going to regret wanting to attack Yang!"
Adam: "You seem to care for her, if you love her than I'll take her life right in front of you!"
Cy: *eyes widen in anger* "You son of a bitch!"
.....................his semblance activates making Adam get pushed back and collided with a wall, with Cy switching to the giant sword and swings it towards Adam and he blocks making it go off balance giving him an opening to knee him in the gut, fire dust is used with Cy knocking Adam's weapon outta his hand. After that he follows up with fighting him hand-to-hand combat striking him in the face, Adam goes for a punch making him duck following up with a left hook and a knee to the face, he blocked and retaliated attacks against Adam with punching and kicking him in the face and body.....................
Cy: "I guess you never trained in hand-to-hand combat huh?"
....................he punches him in the gut, kicks him in the face, and follows up with a punch in the face making Adam woozy. Cy does a spin kick hitting him in the chest and face making him fly back as he crashed on the ground. Adam groans in pain, he looks to his left to see his sword and he grabs it along with charging his semblance to do a slash attack making Cy block it as he gets hit and collides with wall with him grunting in pain. He falls on the ground hurt with Adam chuckling while he stood up....................
Adam: "You're strong kid, really strong. But, it's not enough to stop me, maybe I'll take your head and show it to your girlfriend and after that she will join you in death!"
....................Cy's eyes widen with him blacking out again with his eyes turning red, Adam walks up to Cy with his sword in hand and gets ready to stab him. The moment he goes for the attack Cy grabs the blade of his sword which Adam is shocked to see what is happening, he tries pulling his sword away to cut his hand. But, he had a strong grip shocking Adam more, he looks up at him to reveal half his face still having that mask that looks Grimm like while having a sadistic smile on his face.....................
Cy 'unknown voice': "Time to die!"
.....................back at the vault (Y/N) is removing Amber from the pod as he gently placed her on the ground, he felt her pulse is low. He focuses his semblance to summon a fireball in his hands, he gently moved it to Amber and he places the flames over her chest where her heart is and he glows a fiery and gentle like (F/C) with the flames going over her body, Cy who is not himself is attacking Adam with their swords colliding and he laughs like a madman with cutting Adam on the gut making him groan. (Y/N) kept focusing until the flames disappear, her eyes widen with her breathing deeply and Cy's eyes widen.....................
Cy 'unknown voice': "No, NO, I didn't have much longer yet!"
.....................Cy screams as he held his face with a dark aura coming from him, Adam ran off in fear leaving him to fight back the darkness with his bracelet glowing. Amber sits up breathing hard, (Y/N) takes off his jacket to put it on her as she looked around to know where she is.....................
Amber: "Wh-Where- Where am I?"
(Y/N): "You're in the vault of Beacon Academy, you were kept in a pod because you were in a comatose state. My name is (Y/N)."
Amber: "Why did you help me?"
(Y/N): "Because Cy doesn't deserve to lose a family member he looks up to."
Amber: "You know Cy?"
(Y/N): "He's my partner, I have to get you outta here."
.....................he picks her up with her arm over his shoulder, they walk to the elevator to take it back up to them school grounds.....................
Amber: "I don't know if I remember right, but did you say your mother is the woman who did this to me?"
(Y/N): "Yes, but I stopped her from killing you and after this I'm going to hunt. Her. Down!"
Amber: (You're different from her.)
......................the elevator arrives from the vault, he helps her walk out with him and she leans on a wall as she slowly retained her strength...................
Amber: "I'm fine, I just need to get my strength back."
(Y/N): "We can't rest, there's Grimm everywhere. We have to keep moving and get you somewhere safe."
Amber: *nods* "Right."
.......................he helps her to the others and along the way screaming is heard getting their attention, they see Cy with a dark aura around him....................
Amber: "Cy!"
(Y/N): "Looks like that dark power he has is slowly dropping, but he is fighting back."
Amber: "I can walk now, I have to help him."
(Y/N): "Be careful."
....................she walks to Cy and Pyrrha is seen running to an elevator as it got (Y/N)'s attention, he looked up at the Beacon Tower causing him to smirk, everyone is at a part of the school where Yang is checking on Blake with Ruby and Weiss appearing and the Grimm Dragon flying around the school. A locker appears which Jaune is seen coming out of it.....................
Ruby: "Jaune, what happened?"
Jaune: "It's Pyrrha, she's going after the woman who's caused all this. She's up the Beacon Tower."
Weiss: "Why would she go after her?"
Jaune: "To try and stop her, but I do know if she's going up there; (Y/N) will be up there."
Ruby: "What do you mean?"
Jaune: "The woman that started all of this, she's (Y/N)'s mother! *their eyes widen* He obviously wants to kill her and he'll follow Pyrrha."
Yang: "Wait, (Y/N)'s mother is the one responsible? That means she's the one that abandoned him?"
Linda: "Abandoned? He obviously told you a lie."
Eric: "He told us his mother left him in a house when it was burning to the ground, he hunted her for a long time now."
Yang: "You mean to tell me that bitch tried to kill him when he was a kid! Her own son?!"
Linda: "That's right."
Jaune: "He seemed to hold his own against her, but Pyrrha doesn't know what she's getting into."
Ruby: "Then we have to stop them."
.....................Pyrrha arrives to fight Cinder as they both fought non-stop, the Grimm Dragon shoots a fireball at the tower causing it to explode. Cinder took the opportunity to kill Pyrrha with shooting an arrow into her chest, but (Y/N) appears kicking the bow and arrow out her hands as he followed up with his sword on fire to cut her left eye making her scream in pain.....................
(Y/N): "You're not going to get away from me that easily and you're not taking my friend's life."
Pyrrha: "(Y/N)."
Cinder: "(Y/N), wait. *extends her left arm at him* Please!"
(Y/N): "Shut up! *kicks her in the face* You tried killing me, I am your son and I will not have you get away with that. You hear me? I have been waiting a long time for this. *loads an arrow in his crossbow* Time to say goodbye, mom!"
Cinder: "No."
.....................he points the weapon at her, but the Grimm Dragon roars in anger getting his attention and it shoots a fireball at him. (Y/N) extends his hand to it stopping the fireball, he absorbs it as he gets stronger and he sprouts fire wings:

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