Chapter 2: A Day at Beacon! A Flaming Might

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 2 of this story and about the character named Cy, he is an OC created by my friend who is also an author named KillerNerd007 and his OC is interesting where I had to put him in this story for other reasons and it will be revealed in this story,

No with all that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/N) is getting ready as him and his team are heading to class for his first day at Beacon and he stretches as he gets up, brushes his teeth and take a shower. Then he gets dressed in the school uniform as his team does as well, then they walk to class and he hears Tiffany and Linda talking as he doesn't pay attention to it and he felt a tap on his shoulder as he looks to see Cy...................
Cy: "So, (Y/N). You excited for our first day here at Beacon?"
(Y/N): "Yeah."
Cy: "You don't seem excited."
(Y/N): "I just don't like to show it at times and I'm usually not cheerful at times."
Cy: "Well, I'm super excited. You could say I'm also 'supercited'."
(Y/N): *groans* "Really dude?"
Cy: "Hey I try. I try."
..................(Y/N) shakes his head as Cy shrugs.................
(Y/N): (I have a feeling him and Yang are gonna get along really well.)
..................they also get eyed by every other student since they're a five person team and (Y/N) ignores it and continues walking to class, then they arrive as they take their seats and class almost starts to begin. Then he hears the door open and he sees its Ruby and her team walking in and also behind them is what he believes is another team as Ruby noticed (Y/N) as she waves at him and he waves back. Then she sits next to him, then class starts as its a teacher named Prof. Port as he is telling a story about his past. (Y/N) rests his head on his hand as he's bored and he sees Ruby asleep and he smiles. Then as (Y/N) looked around he looks on Cy's wrist and he noticed some kind of bracelet, he goes to look further and he hardly recognized it since its under his sleeve, then it's Prof. Oobleck's class as he is talking way too fast and then he goes to answer a question as he waits for any student to answer..................
Oobleck: "How about you five? Do you know the answer to how is Grimm is when catching it's prey?"
(Y/N): "It hides to get ready to strike, then as the prey is in position it goes to strike."
Oobleck: "Yes, yes good job sir."
..................(Y/N) sighs as he has to wait for class to end, then it's lunchtime as he is sitting at a table as him and his team are eating, then he looks to see Ruby and her team walk to him as they sat at his table along with the other four he seen in Port's class.................
Ruby: "Hey (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Hey Ruby. And who might your four be?"
Jaune: "The names Jaune Arc."
Nora: "I'm Nora Valkyrie."
Pyrrha: "My name is Pyrrha Nikos."
Linda: "The Pyrrha Nikos?"
Pyrrha: "Yes. That's me."
Tiffany: "Holy moly, that's cool."
Ren: "And my name is Ren."
Jaune: "So, you're (Y/N) huh? *he nods* Ruby told us about you."
Pyrrha: "And we saw you during the Initiation, you're so amazing. Even your weapon."
Ruby: "Yeah. He customized it himself and even the quiver for his ammo."
Ren: "Interesting."
..................then it was time for Goodwitch's class as (Y/N) is watching Tiffany battle Weiss, then the battle ended and then the guy named Cardin walks in the arena and (Y/N) raises his eyebrow in confusion at why he entered the arena now....................
Goodwitch: "Mister Winchester, who would you like as your opponent?"
Cardin: *points at (Y/N)* "Him. The fire guy."
..................(Y/N) looks at him as he gets up and he walks in the arena and he converts his weapon to sword mode and he gets in fighting stance as he stares at Cardin....................
Goodwitch: "Begin."
...................Cardin rushes at (Y/N) and he just stands there as Cardin goes for an attack as (Y/N) swiftly dodges it as he kicks Cardin in the face as he rolls away. Then he goes to attack again, but (Y/N) dodges non-stop. As there is an opportunity he jumps in the air to deliver a straight kick as Cardin staggers back, then (Y/N) attacks him as Cardin grunts in pain after being attacked. Then (Y/N) does a backflip and kicks Cardin in his chin as he falls back, then (Y/N) uses his semblance as fireballs goes over Cardin and he looks in fear...................
(Y/N): "Boom."
.................he moves his hand down as the fireballs landed on him and exploded, the smoke cleared and Cardin is laying there unconscious and (Y/N) sheathed his weapon..................
Goodwitch: "(Y/N) wins."
..................everyone claps and cheers for him, then he walks back to his seat as he sits next to his team and Team RWBY as they congratulate him. Then it gets night as (Y/N) is getting ready for bed and he walks in the bathroom as he looks at his reflection and then he washes his face and as he does he sees his younger self with fire behind him and he looks down as he breathes hard and his fist glows a fiery red aura as he breathes hard.....................
(Y/N): "Stop it, just stop with this. *looks at reflection to see his regular self as he growls* I will get you for what you did, I promised myself I will get my revenge."
....................he turns off the water and he walks out the bathroom and he lays down, then as he does he looks  it the window as he sees the cracked moon as he looks down, then he slowly drifts to sleep for the next day."

To be continued...................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

A Rose's Raging Flame: Ruby Rose x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now