Chapter 16: Emrald's Sister?! The Light in the Darkness

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 16 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After revealing that Tiffany is actually Jade Sustrai, (Y/N) was in complete shock that the girl who was on his team wasn't the same girl. Only a persona that was to hide the real her that she kept secret....................
(Y/N): "So, you're Emerald's sister? This entire time?"
Jade: "Yes. I wanted to tell you after I found out who your mother is, I was afraid of how you would react."
(Y/N): *looks away, looks at her* "Tell me what happened. What caused you to hunt down your own sister?"
Jade: "It started when we were kids, we stayed close to each other and always took care of each other."

Jade P.O.V
Flashback-9 Years ago a party, Jade and Emerald are seen peeking behind some boxes looking at a bowl of food that's on a table. Jade looks at her as she nods with Emerald returning the gesture as she focused her semblance causing the people at the table to run away with jade quickly grabbing the bowl and running away so they wouldn't be spotted. They sat down and ate the food as they laughed.....................
????: "You two really are sneaky, that was impressive."
.....................the moment Jade looks she sees a woman with black hair and yellow eyes wearing a red dress approaching them. Jade stands up with Emerald causing the woman to smirk.....................
????: "You girls are really schemeish and quick."
Emerald: "W-Who are you?"
Cinder: "My name is Cinder, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you two or report you, I want to help you."
Jade: "What can you do to help us?"
Cinder: "If you both come with me I'll be sure you're well taken care of, fed, and safe."
Jade: "Go away, we don't trust you! We only need each other!"
Cinder: "Aw, well if you do change your mind you can find me at the hotel in this town. Just think it through."
.....................she walks away from them as she disappears, Jade and Emerald are sleeping in a small custom house with a mattress inside it as they slowly got ready for bed.....................
Emerald: "Jade, are you sure we don't want to take Cinder's offer? We need what she can offer us, we can't keep doing this."
Jade: "We don't trust anyone after what happened last time, I don't want to know what happens if we did take her offer. We have each other Emerald, nothing is going to break our sisterly bond. We have to be there for each other, okay?"
.....................Emerald nods as she drifts to sleep while Jade did the same closing her eyes letting sleep take over.....................

Timeskip-Next Day's the next day with Jade waking up as she stretches while yawning after sleeping all night, she looks to see Emerald gone and her eyes widen. She walks out the small house to run around finding her sister, she checked everywhere that they would go only to find her not there. She runs back to her home only to find it burning causing her to run in to see if Emerald as there, the moment she looked right she sees her waking with Cinder, she looks heartbroken knowing her sister chose someone they just met as she starts crying. Someone grabs Jade to get her out the with firefighters putting out the fire, she looked down sad until she started getting angry that she was betrayed by her own sister with her vowing to find her.....................

(Y/N) P.O.V
Flashback Ends

Jade: "We're just alike (Y/N), your mother abandoned you and my sister abandoned me because of your mother. So, with you determined to find your mother I am the same finding my sister! And like it or not you're stuck with me since they work together."
(Y/N): "But why? You know I felt so much hate I never cared for anyone-"
Jade: "You know that's a lie! What about Ruby? *his eyes widen* You showed so much love to her that you enjoyed hanging out with her, you enjoyed being around her and you love her! You may feel all that hate, but Ruby is the light in your heart."
...................he couldn't come up with an excuse, he looked away to think to remember the fun times he had with Ruby before the fall of Beacon. He slowly started feeling less hate with her and he can no longer doubt the feeling in his heart with moving his hand to his chest where his heart is still thinking about her...................
(Y/N): "You're right, I never felt love after what my mother did years ago. Ruby helped me, I can't deny it."
Jade: "Then you need to be with her, your mother is after the Fall Maiden powers Pyrrha has and Ruby stood in her way. If she finds her and Pyrrha she'll kill them both."
(Y/N): *balls his hand into a fist* "Then we need to find her, I know she left then her home and I don't know where."
Jade: "I overhead some people talking, her along with Team JNPR are headed to Haven Academy."
(Y/N): "Then that's where we're going, we can't waste time. Let's go."
.....................he walks down the path with Jade running to catch up with him as they head to Haven with one thing on his mind that's not revenge; the one person that made him feel hate no more.....................

3rd P.O.V
Timeskip-Acouple Days Later Haven Academy everyone is seen hanging out as they laughed, outside Qrow is seen drinking from his flask while looking at the view from the place he's standing at. He hears walking as he turns to see who it is as his eyes widen, he walks in the room causing Ruby to look at him....................
Ruby: "Hey Uncle Qrow."
Qrow: "Hey Ruby, can you come here?"
Ruby: *stands up, walks towards him* "What wro-"
.....................the moment she looked past him to see (Y/N) standing there, they both looked at each other in the eyes with (Y/N) sighing....................
(Y/N): "Hey Ruby, I understand if you're mad at me for leaving and I understand-"
.....................she rushes at him and hugged him making him surprised at her action, he hugs back as she sobs in his jacket.....................
Ruby: "I missed you."
(Y/N): *looks down, smiles* "I missed you too."
.....................everyone walks in to see (Y/N) as they walked up to him with Cy looking at him as he does as well, they smile and shook hands....................
Cy: "It's good to see you again partner, thank you for saving Amber."
(Y/N): "That's what friends do, they always help each other out."
Cy: *smiles* "I agree."
Nora: *looks at Jade* "Who's that?"
Eric: "Hey, she looks familiar."
(Y/N): "Show them."
.....................Jade uses her semblance to change into Tiffany shocking everyone and she changes back into her real look.....................
Linda: "Tiffany?"
Weiss: "Your name isn't Tiffany isn't it?"
Jade: "My Jade. Jade Sustrai."
Cy: "You're Emerald's sister?"
Pyrrha: "Wait, if you're her sister why didn't you tell us?"
Jade: "I was hiding my look so I wouldn't blow my cover, so I became a girl that doesn't exist and started hunting my sister down."
(Y/N): "My mother is the reason her sister abandoned her, she's like me in a way."
Eric: "Well, it doesn't matter because you're still our teammate."
.....................she smiles knowing she's still accepted in the team, Ruby holds (Y/N)'s hand as he looked at her as she blushed while he smiles and does the same with her hugging his arm."
(Y/N): (I'll never leave you again Ruby, never.)

To be continued....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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