Prologue: New Students at Beacon! The Encounter

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(A/N: Well, my my fellow readers and followers here is the Prologue of this story and by the title of this you should know what's going to happen,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Ruby P.O.V

"At Beacon Academy a certain Huntress in training is walking around Beacon as she heads to the landing pad to see the arrival of new students, the girl's name is Ruby Rose. She got into Beacon 2 years early since she fought Roman Torchwick and is team leader of the team known as RWBY, Ruby arrives acouple feet from the landing pad and she sees the ship that's transporting the new students getting closer as she gets excited.................
Ruby: "Finally, new people I get to meet. I just hope they aren't rude, but I bet I will get to see some cool weapons as well."

3rd P.O.V

..................on the ship some students are looking out the window of the ship as they see that they're getting closer to Beacon, but at another part of the ship a guy leaning on a walk arms crossed is looking down as he looks out the window to see Beacon in the distance and he looks away.................
????: "Hey there."
.................he looks to see a girl next to him...................
???? 2: "Hey."
????: "So, you excited that you're going to Beacon?"
???? 2: "Yeah."
Tiffany: "Cool. My name is Tiffany, what's your name?"
(Y/N): *looks away* "(Y/N)."
Tiffany: "Cool name."
.................the ship lands and everyone runs out and Tiffany follows as she is excited, then (Y/N) leans off the wall as he walks out................
(Y/N): (Well, here I go.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

.................(Y/N) walks off the ship as he heads towards Beacon, he looks in the distance as he sees the school, he smiles as he walks towards it. Then as he arrives at the entrance he hears a grunt like sound................
???? 3: "Hey!"
..................he looks to see a girl with black hair with red tips wearing a black dress with some red and a red cape with leggings and black shoes with red on it as well. She rubs the back of her head and (Y/N) approaches her and extends his hand to her..................
(Y/N): "You okay?"
...................she looks at him and he saw her eyes being the color silver and his eyes widen seeing a girl with silver eyes..................
(Y/N): (Woah. She has silver eyes!)
???? 3: "Y-Yeah, thanks."
..................she takes his hand and he helps her up, then she dusts herself off as she stood up..................
???? 3: "Thank you."
(Y/N): "No problem. I never seen you in the ship, you a student here?"
Ruby: "Yeah, I was in my way to meet new students as I was bumped into one. My name is Ruby Rose, what's your name?"
(Y/N): "(Y/N)."
Ruby: "Well (Y/N), welcome to Beacon Academy."
(Y/N): "Thank you. You look younger. How old are you?"
Ruby: "Oh, I'm 15. I skipped acouple years after fighting Roman Torchwick and as a result I got invited to Beacon."
(Y/N): "Wow, you must be special for that to happen. Well, I should head to the auditorium for Ozpin's speech. See ya around."
Ruby: "Okay."

Ruby P.O.V

..................he walks off as he heads to the auditorium and she waves at him. Ruby kept looking at him until he turned a corner and she smiles, then she hears walking behind her as she sees her teammates walking up to her.................
Yang: "Hey sis, did you meet any new people yet?"
Ruby: "Well, I didn't talk to anyone yet. And as I was walking I got bumped into someone and fell, then this really nice guy helped me up after that."
Blake: "What guy?"
Ruby: "He just walked off after that."
Weiss: "We can meet him after Ozpin's speech is done, maybe where the students are gonna sleep we can see him there."
...................then it's almost the end of the day and everyone is setting up where they're gonna sleep, Ruby and her team arrives to see everyone and she looks around for (Y/N)...................
Weiss: "Is one of these guys the one you met Ruby?"
Ruby: "No. It's none of them."
Yang: "Well, I know who I'm getting to know."
..................Ruby rolls her eyes at her sisters comment, then as she looks around she sees (Y/N) standing in a corner looking out a window as she smiles..................
Ruby: "Oh, there he is over there."
Yang: "Woah, he is definitely a cute one. Looks like my sister has her eyes on someone."
Ruby: *blushes* "YANG!"
.................she chuckles as Ruby gets frustrated and she walks up to him and he still looks out the window..................
Ruby: "Hey (Y/N)!"
(Y/N): *looks at her* "Hey Ruby. Who're these three?"
Ruby: "Oh, this is my team. This is Weiss, Blake, and my sister Yang."
(Y/N): "And by that your team name is RWBY?"
Yang: "Woah, you're good."
(Y/N): "Thanks."
...................Ruby looks down by his bags as she saw a crossbow like weapon and her eyes widen..................
Ruby: "Is that your weapon?"
(Y/N): "Yes it is."
Weiss: "What is it?"
(Y/N): *picks it up* "It's a crossbow, but not any regular crossbow. This takes crossbow bolts and arrows as this has two different types of firing types."
Blake: "What firing modes?"
(Y/N): "Automatic and long ranged. Automatic is for the crossbow bolts and the long range is for the arrows. *removes ammo clip* This is the ammo clip for the crossbow bolts."
Yang: "Ain't it hard to reload crossbow bolts in that?"
(Y/N): "Not exactly how I designed the quiver."
.................he grabs the quiver as it shows one side for the crossbow bolts and the other for the arrows...................
Ruby: "Oooohhhh, that's so cool."
Weiss: "I never seen a quiver like that, did you design that?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. Watch when I put it in this slot."
..................he puts it in and the crossbow bolts quickly enter the ammo clip to the limit and it surprises Ruby and her team.................
Ruby: "Cool."
Weiss: "Now that is fine craftsmanship. Why do those arrow heads look different?"
(Y/N): "Because I designed them to match what kind of dust that's inside them."
Weiss: "These are filled with dust?"
(Y/N): "Yeah."
Ruby: "That is so cool. Does it change to another weapon mode?"
...................he takes the hilt of his crossbow and twists it where the crossbow launchers closed up and changes into a sword and Ruby's eyes sparkled..................
Ruby: "Woah, that's a really cool sword."
(Y/N): "Thank you, I really worked hard on it."
Yang: "Well, I think it's about time we head back to the dorm for some rest. It's nice meet you (Y/N). See ya around."
...................they walk off and Ruby takes another glimpse at him as he puts the ammo back in the quiver and she smiles, then they return to the dorm as they get ready for bed..................
Ruby: "That (Y/N) guy is really interesting."
Weiss: "He seems like a really nice guy, I can see why you wanted us to meet him Ruby."
Blake: "The way he has his weapon set up, it's impressive."
Ruby: "Yeah. He looks like he can fight well. *blushes* Really well."
Yang: "Oh boy, I think Ruby has a crush."
Ruby: *face goes red* "YANG DON'T TEASE ME ABOUT IT! The last thing I need is to be teased because of that."
.................Yang shrugs as she chuckles and Ruby goes in her bed as she drifts to sleep, then she thinks about (Y/N) as she smiles...............

(Y/N) P.O.V

.................(Y/N) is asleep and as he is he starts getting a nightmare as he opens his eyes to see he's at a young age and he looks around to see he's in a house that's on fire and in the distance he sees a shadow walking away from him and he gets angry................
..................he gets angry where the fire around gets more brighter and he screams at the top of his lungs as the fire is being absorbed by him and it becomes like aura. Then he sits up and he raises his had as its engulfed in an aura like flame as he breathes hard, then he holds his wrist as it disappears and he balled his hand into a fist as he growls."
(Y/N): (I hate you. You replaced my feeling towards you with hate, why did you leave me? Why?)

A Rose's Raging Flame: Ruby Rose x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now