Chapter 5: Hanging Out with Ruby

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 5 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen,

Now with that said,melt the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/N) starts waking up as he sits up in his bed and he stretches, then he gets out of bed as he gets ready to hang out with Ruby for the day as he walks out and heads to the courtyard to find Ruby, then as he does he sees her in the distance as she looks around. He smiles at that as he walks up to her and she looks at him..................
Ruby: "Oh, you made it (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Yeah, didn't want to skip the chance of hanging out with a friend. So, you ready?"
Ruby: "Yep, let's go."
..................they take a Bullhead to Vale as they walk through the streets heading to their first location to hang out at, (Y/N) looks at Ruby as she smiles happily and he smiles as well. Then they arrive at a arcade as (Y/N) looks around...................
Ruby: "Have you been to an arcade before?"
(Y/N): "No. Never, my life growing up is somewhat complicated."
Ruby: "Well, you're gonna have fun. *grabs his hand* Come on."
.....................they started playing the arcade games, then after a while (Y/N) started having fun as he smiles and laughs. Then during that Ruby is seen trying to one of those crane games and she fails trying to get something as she looks down sad, then (Y/N) places his hand on her shoulder as she looks at him....................
(Y/N): "Let me try."
.......................he plays it as he goes to grabs what Ruby tried to get, he looks as he strategies how to grabs it as he moves the crane as it grabs it and lifts it up....................
Ruby: "YOU GOT IT!" takes it to the slot as it drops it and (Y/N) grabs it as he smiles and looks at Ruby, then he gives it to her as she hugs it, then they head to a restaurant as they sat down and ordered their food...................
Ruby: "Hey (Y/N), you said you had a complicated life growing up? What did you mean?"
(Y/N): "It's something I don't want to talk about, it's pretty complicated."
Ruby: "Why?"
(Y/N): *looks down sad* "I was somewhat, abandoned at the age of 7. I was alone and scared, didn't know what to do until I thought about it."
Ruby: *touches his hand as he looks at her* "I'm sorry to hear that, you didn't deserve what happened years ago."
(Y/N): *smiles* "Thank you, Ruby."
......................she looks at his hand as she hold sit and she blushes and takes her hand back as she blushes, he smiles at that and their food arrives as they started eating as they enjoyed hanging out with each other...................

3rd P.O.V

......................(Y/N) and Ruby continued to walk around in Vale as they continued to hang out, but then a child like scream is heard as they look in the direction...................
Ruby: "(Y/N), you heard that right?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. Stay here."
.......................he walks in the direction as he gets closer to a house as he slowly walks towards it, then the screams are heard from the inside as he goes to a window as he peeks in and he sees a little girl at the age of 9 being abused by her family, (Y/N)'s eyes widen in disgust. Then as he saw the little girl struggling he starts getting bad memories of his past...................
Young (Y/N) 'echoing': "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS? WHY?!?!?!?"
........................he gets angry he goes to the door as he kicks it down startling the family..................
Father: "What the................"
........................he was interrupted by (Y/N) punching him in the face, then he kicks him back as he crashes into a wall. Then the wife tries to stabs him with a knife, he swiftly dodges it as he elbows the back of her neck as she falls on the ground groaning in pain, Ruby arrives to see what's going on as she sees the little girl hurt as she kneels to her.....................
Ruby: "(Y/N) what's going on?"
(Y/N): "Ruby, get her outta here now."
.........................Ruby nods as she picks up the little girl and runs out...................
Father: "Hold it right there!"
.........................he goes to catch up to her, but then (Y/N) grabs his weapon and points it at the father as it has an arrow loaded as he backs up. Then (Y/N) punches him in the face making him stagger back and fall on the ground.....................
(Y/N): "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot this arrow in that demented brain of yours and *points at the wife* hers."
Father: "She's a mistake anyway, she deserved it."
(Y/N): *kicks his head in the walk as he screams in pain* "No kid deserves to be abused like that, people like you deserve to die for what you just did. But, I'm gonna let the police decide your fate now."
..........................the police arrive as they take the husband and wife to jail and the little girl is in the back of a ambulance being treated for her injuries, Ruby is sitting beside her as she gave her the stuffed animal as she held it, (Y/N) walks up to her as she looks at him and she runs to him and hugged him...................
Little Girl: "Thank you. Thank you so much."
..........................she cries as she is happy to be safe thanks to (Y/N) and Ruby, he smiles as he hugs back and he kneels to her level......................
(Y/N): "Hey, it's okay don't worry, they won't hurt you anymore. And they never will, what's your name?"
Sierra: "Sierra."
(Y/N): "Sierra, that's a good name. I'm (Y/N), this is my friend Ruby."
Ruby: *kneels to her level as well* "Hello."
(Y/N): "Do you have anywhere to go? Any relatives to stay with?"
..........................she shakes her head and he felt bad for her, then he smiles....................
(Y/N): "Then why don't you come with us? We'll take care of you."
Sierra: "Really?"
..........................he nods as she hugs him and cried again, he hugs back as he picked her up and Ruby smiles at him as they head back to Beacon.....................

(Y/N) P.O.V

..........................(Y/N) is walking back to the dorm while carrying Sierra as she sleeps, they talked with Ozpin as they told him what happened and he agreed to let (Y/N) take care of her. He returns to his dorm as he places Sierra in a extra bed that was surprisingly in the room as he pulled the covers on her as she sleeps, then he hears the door open as he looks to see Cy and Tiffany walk as they looked at him................
Cy: "Oh (Y/N), you're back."
Tiffany: "And who's this little girl?"
(Y/N): "Guys, this is Sierra. While me and Ruby were hanging out she was being abused by her family, I stopped it and her family is in jail now. So, I decided to take her with me and raise her myself, I know it's a big responsibility, but I had to."
Cy: "Well, you did the right thing. And I won't have a problem with it."
Tiffany: "Same here, we'll help however way we can."
........................he smiles at that as his team is gonna help, then (Y/N) is asleep, but then he felt someone shake him as he wakes up to see Sierra standing next to him...................
(Y/N): "Sierra what's wrong?
Sierra: "C-Can I sleep with you?"
(Y/N): "Did you have a nightmare? *she nods* Come on."
.........................he held her as she laid in the bed with him and she closes her eyes as she sleeps and (Y/N) goes back to sleep as well as....................

Ruby P.O.V

.........................Ruby is getting ready for bed as she oust in her pajamas and she walks to her bed as she gets on it as she sees Yang stare at her....................
Yang: "So, how was your first date sis?"
Ruby: "Yang, it wasn't a date it was just a friendly hangout. And it was fun, until close to the end."
Blake: "What happened?"
Ruby: "We found this family hurting this little girl and (Y/N) saved her, then he decided to bring her to Beacon so he can take care of her."
Weiss: "Did he seriously bring a kid to Beacon?"
Ruby: "Well, she had no where to go, so it was an option for him and I think he chose the right option."
Blake: "I agree with Ruby."
Yang: "Yeah. Looks like Ruby's crush has a good heart."
.........................Ruby throws a pillow at her face as she gets hit, then she lays down as she goes to sleep. Then she thinks about him as she blushes and smiles as she slowly drifted to sleep."

To be continued.................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

A Rose's Raging Flame: Ruby Rose x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now