Chapter 6: A Realization from the Heart

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 6 of this story and by the title of this chapter, you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Ruby P.O.V

"After acouple of days after (Y/N) and Ruby hung out that day and also saved Sierra, they took her to Beacon and decided to take care of her as they bought her some new clothes and also got her some other things so she'll have something to do, Ruby is in her dorm with Sierra as she laid on Ruby's lap and as Ruby rubbed her head at the same time, then she looks to see Weiss and Yang looking at her.................
Weiss: "So, Sierra was being abused by her family?"
Ruby: "Yep."
Yang: "This poor girl. *sits next to her* No one should have to go through all that, even kids. You and (Y/N) did the right thing."
Weiss: "And we'll help in every way."
Ruby: "Thank you."
....................they get up and walk out as Ruby stayed by Sierra, then she looks at Ruby....................
Sierra: "Hey Ruby?"
Ruby: *looks at her* "Yes Sierra?"
Sierra: "What's between you and (Y/N)?"
Ruby: "What do you mean?"
Sierra: "Are you and him like, you know?"
Ruby: *blushes* "N-No, we're just friends and it was a friendly hang out that night."
Sierra: "Oh, I think you and him would be good together. I believe that."
...................Ruby's eyes widen as she blushes, she thinks about what Sierra said as she couldn't think about it clearly. Then Ruby is in the cafeteria eating as Sierra eats as well, she looks to see (Y/N) walk in and he looks at them as he walked up to them and sat at the table..................
(Y/N): "Hey Ruby."
Ruby: *waves* "Hey (Y/N)."
(Y/N): *looks at Sierra* "Hey Sierra, how're you feeling?"
Sierra: "I'm doing okay."
(Y/N): "That's good. I'm glad to hear that."
....................he smiles and as he does Ruby's heart beats as she blushes and looks away, then in the courtyard Sierra is playing with (Y/N) as he chased her and she laughs. Then (Y/N) grabs a bouncing ball and throws it as her as she catches it and they both play catch, Ruby still thinks about what Sierra asked as she through the about it completely through the day....................
Blake: "Is something wrong Ruby?"
Ruby: "Something has been on my mind ever since today."
Blake: "What is it?"
Ruby: "Sierra asked me a question that's been on my mind all day after me and (Y/N) met her, she asked me a question today if me and him are boyfriend and girlfriend. And ever since then when I think of (Y/N) my heart acts up."
Yang: "Oh my gosh. *she looks at her* I knew it, Ruby has a crush on (Y/N)."
Ruby: *blushes* "W-W-What? No I don't, that's weird to say Yang."
Weiss: "Ruby, there's no need to deny it. It's obviously believable considering why you would want to hang out with him that day and how you denied it."
Yang: "Besides, I think he would be okay since how he treats you."
....................Ruby suddenly realized as she couldn't deny it anymore, she realized that her heart means she's in love with (Y/N), she blushes as she admits in defeat.................
Ruby: "I-I guess I do have a crush on (Y/N). I didn't want to believe it, but I do."
Yang: "That's my sis. I'm so proud of you."
Weiss: "Don't be nervous Ruby, we'll help you."
Blake: "Yeah. When the times comes you'll be with him, and we'll make sure."
Ruby: *smiles* "Thanks you."
Yang: "My sister is finally growing up, over her first love."
Ruby: "Like how you have a crush on Cy?"
...................she blushes as they laugh at her and she starts ranting about it as she didn't deny it, Ruby still thought about (Y/N) and how much she loves him.................

(Y/N) P.O.V

...................(Y/N) is in his team dorm sitting in his bed as Sierra is asleep and he reads a book, then he looks at her as she sleeps peacefully. He smiles as he pulls the covers on her more as she moves a little while sleeping, he continues reading as he hears the door open and he sees his team walk in.................
Cy: "Hey (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Hey."
Tiffany: "I see Sierra is asleep. You did good for helping her (Y/N)."
Linda: "Yeah. I wish I was there to see those two deadbeats put in prison for what they did to her."
Eric: "Linda!"
....................she shrugs as she chuckles, then (Y/Nh continues reading, but then he sees Tiffany beside him...................
Tiffany: "Hey (Y/N), I've been curious. Why did Ruby ask you out that day?"
(Y/N): "I don't know, maybe it was just a friendly hang out."
Tiffany: "Or a date."
(Y/N): *blushes as he looks at her* "What?"
Linda: "Yeah. It's obvious that she has a crush on you, why do you think your friendship with her is so good. It's obvious she wants to be more than friends with you."
Cy: "Seems like our leader has a little crush."
(Y/N): "Like how you have a crush in Yang?"
.....................his eyes widen as he blush and he goes on a ranting tirade as he didn't deny it and not to bring it up to embarrass him, everyone laughs as (Y/N) sees Sierra groaning and he tells them to be quiet as they did. Then they go to sleep as (Y/N) drift to sleep, but doesn't sleep much since he thought about what Tiffany said as all his life all he felt was hate."

To be continued...............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

A Rose's Raging Flame: Ruby Rose x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now