chapter 50

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It felt so weird writing this knowing it is the 50th chapter. I never thought it would get this far and I am glad people are still enjoying it xxx

Leigh-annes pov
I still can't belive that the twins turn 1 tomorrow. Time had went so quickly and they had already grew up so much. Whenever I would leave the room I would here the sound of little hands tapping the floor of the passage behind me. They were both starting to get there own personalities and I had realised Ava was alot louder and always liked having the attention. But nia was more quiet and  more clingy then Ava but also liked doing her own thing.

I had dressed them both matching for there joint party with Olivia  this evening and they looked adorable. It was only a few friends and family coming over but that was all they needed at 1. Me perrie Alex and Andre decided on our house as it was more central and Perrie was getting work done in the garden so that would of been out of use.

Perrie and Alex came and  the girls were crawling around the floor after one another and when Alex put Olivia down she soon crawled away with the girls.

Perries Pov
The girls were all so cute together and I was glad Olivia was the same age as the twins. I couldn't belive in 2 days our little Olivia was 1. It definitely didn't feel like it was that long ago. The other scary thing was tour was starting again in less than a week and everything was very chaotic. We had all our last minute dress rehearsals and now it was just packing. Before tour always made me feel sick as I hated being away from home and in different environments. Me and Jesy would often just stay in while Jade and Leigh went out however I think it will be a bit different this time around.

A: what u thinking about
P: tour
A: you will be alright u know. U can do it
P: but I've never really looked after her on my own for that long without you
A: I know but the girls are with u
P: its not the same
A: I know. We can talk about this after but for now please try and enjoy yourself
P: yeah there's no point stressing yet

Super short however I plan on updating quicker this time xx

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