Chapter 1

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Perries Pov
It had been a month since Jesy decided to leave little mix. It was a super emotional time for us, but we knew that she needed to do it to be happier. We still saw her as much as if she was in the group and she came backstage to all our performances. I knew she so wanted to come and join us on stage but couldn't due to her mental health. It was very hard knowing that if people didn't say some of the things they did she would still be performing with us.

It was 8am and I had just arrived at the studio. I felt really nautious today and thought that it was nerves about recording a song without Jesy. I went into the recording booth where Jade and Leigh-Ann sat and we talked about random things before recording our new single. We were part way through recording it when I felt the urge to be sick. I ran out the room and towards the bathroom. I knelt down and puked my guts out, within a matter of seconds I felt 2 pairs of hands on my back. I knew these were Jade and Leigh comforting me. After being sick I felt alot better and was ready to start recording again.

J: R u alright Pez
P: Yeah I feel alot better now
L: R u sure as we can record this another day
P: No I want to do it, I think I'm just nervous about doing it as a trio.
J: It will be fine and just remember what Jesy keeps telling us
P: She is coming back at some point
L: Exactly that
J: Lets go back

We went back into the studio and recorded the new song. I was really pleased with how it turned out. We had finished everything we had to do today so decided to go back to Jades house. We phoned Jesy and she came and joined us.

At Jades

JN: What did use do today
P: We recorded a new single
JN: Can I hear it
L: Only because it's you
JT: Yeah don't tell anyone

JN: That sounds amazing
P: Thanks
JN: So how was it recording it without me
JT: Not going to lie it was really strange
P: It made me so nervous
L: Do you think that's why u were sick
P: Yeah I can't think of any other reason as I'm fine now.
J: wait you were sick
P: Yeah I'm fine though it was just nerves

Perries Pov
It's been a week since we recorded our new single and I was still throwing up. I didn't feel sick afterwards and I was only sick on a morning. I was in the bathroom one morning before work and I found my diary which tracked my period. I looked through it and realised I hadn't had mine in a month. This was normal for me when I'm stressed, However I hadn't been stressed recently. Suddenly I realised with a combination of the sickness, the fact that me and Alex had did it recently, and the fact I hadn't had my period that I was probably pregnant. This couldn't of came at a worse time, if I was I knew I would soon not be able to perform and since Jesy had left it would leave Jade and Leigh-Ann.

When Jesy left we told ourselves if one more of us can't perform we take a break. I hated the fact that I had ruined everything the 3 of us had been working for. I prayed that I wasn't pregnant and also I didn't have a pregnancy test. I decided to ring Jesy as she always gave great advice.

on the phone
J: Hello
P: Hi it's Pez
J: Hi r u okay
P: I have a bit of a dilemma
J: What sort of dilemma
P: I think I'm pregnant
J: What really
P: Yeah I'm late on and I've been sick every morning for the past week.
J: Do you have a test
P: No and I don't know what to do as I'm supposed to be going to the studio.
J: Firstly calm down, I'll get a test and you can come to mine after the studio and we can go from there. Also do you want to be pregnant.
P: No. After you left we said if one more of us cant perform, little mix will go on break. I feel like I'm ruining what jade and Leigh want to do. The mixers would be really annoyed and I also don't think I'm ready.
J: Jade and Leigh won't care about that, they are about you and would want you to be honest. The mixers will be happy for you. They will probably be upset but that's not your fault.
P: I know, I won't tell Jade and Leigh-Ann today but if I find out I am, I suppose I'll have to tell them.
J: Okay I'll see you later
P: Okay bye thanks for the help
J: Anytime

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