Y/ns backstory

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It was a normal day as y/n woke up went to the bathroom took her anxiety meds and did her morning routine. Y/n lived with her brother Wilbur because 1 year ago her parents had gotten in a terrible accident. They sadly didn't make it. She didn't like to talk about them because every time she does she has a panic attack and all the negativity comes out she says how she could of stopped then from going on that date.
(Memories from that day)
Y/ns parents were divorced for a while like 3 years you were devastated when you found out. Everyone thought they were the perfect family soon was gone and falling apart. That day y/n decided to set her parents up on a date cause they recently got back into contact. She told then to go to the restaurant and be happy cause she knew they were gonna be happy together. Her mom insisted that they didn't go but you told then they had to. They eventually agreed. As they walked out of the house your dad opened you moms door and they seemed happy for once. You were thinking how you guys were gonna be a happy family again. Only 1 hour later the police showed up at your door saying how a bus almost hit your mom but your dad pushed her out of the way and he ended up getting hit while saving her but a car ended up sill hitting her still. You were in shock you didn't know what to do. You ended up developing eating disorders depression and anxiety. Since you were 16 they said you can live with your almost adult brother Wilbur.
(Btw when this happened Wilbur was spending the night as his friends house)

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