After Ryan

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Y/n: guys you ask since no one no noticed that you woke up
Clay: y/n he runs up to you and hugs you
you hug him back and then hug eveyone else
You ask what happened to Ryan Wilbur tells you that he's in jail you smile a little then the doctor walks in
Doctor: y/n your tests had all come back and your fine to leave
I say thank you and then clay helps you up and they leave so you can change when you got all your stuff together you walk out of the room and see clay waiting for you. Hey clay you say and then you hug him crying into his chest. He hugs you back saying it's okay y/n he's gone and you have all of us okay. Okay clay thank you for coming. No problem I was watching your stream and when you showed all your bruises I was already on my way to confort you I say aww thank you you don't know how much that means to me he hugs you tighter plays with your hair. Then I feel butterflies in my stomach. The he says when he got there he called eveyone telling them to come. You smile and kiss his cheek he blushes and seeing that he blushed made you blush.
Then you hear the group walking toward you so you and clay walk up to them. Hi guys you say hi y/n I hope your feeling better tubbo says as he hugs you you smile and say that you do and thank everyone for coming they all say that once clay called them they all rushed over to you. You smile and yell GROUP HUG you all hug and laugh. You say maybe we should all go to someone's house I don't really wanna be in my house right now. Clay said that eveyone should sleep at his house for a couple days till I feel comfortable being alone. Everyone agrees so eveyone went home to pack some stuff Wilbur had a dentist appointment so you asked clay if he could go with you to grab some stuff he said yes. Then you get into clays car and he drives you home you asked him to come with you so you weren't alone. You were done packing as you grab the last things you sit on your bed and started having a panic attack a few seconds later clay comes out of the bathroom and runs to you hugging you tightly saying it's okay love just breath you bagan to calm down and say thank to him he says that you don't have to thank him. You blush and you lean in and kiss him he breaks the kiss and you start to run out, out of embarrassment but he pulls you back and kissing you and kiss him back.

488 words

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