You tell them almost everything

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As you and tobey calm down you tried to pretend like nothing happened so you said anyone wanna watch a movie. They all look at each other and finally the curly blond headed boy Tommy innit broke the silence and said No your gonna explain eveything to us like why you were crying and who tf Ryan is and why you don't live with your parents. I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you but all we know right now is that there's a dickhead named Ryan and he abused you Tommy said Again I'm sorry but while we help you out I wanna know everything not just what you wanna say. Eveyone said y/n it's okay to go slow but we wanna understand everything so we can help you recover.

Y/n POV:
As Tommy said that to me and everyone agreed I said I'm so sorry guys I'll you guys everything you look at Wilbur smiling as he said I'm so proud of you, you smile back. Let's go to the living room and I'll tell you guys there. Eveyone got up and sat on the couches clay they all sit around you clay was sitting next to you. Okay so 3 years ago my parents got divorced when that happens I was so sad and fell into depression. But then 2 years later so last year a year ago they got back in contact I was so happy so I decided to make dinner reservations for them when I told then my dad was happy by my mom was hesitant about saying yes but I begged her and she agreed to go. I was so happy I thought they were gonna get back together and we were gonna be a happy family again. As they left they got into the car happily but this day will wasn't there he was spending the night at his friends house. About an hour of my parents being gone a knock was at the door I thought it was them and they just got home early but when I opened the do- do- door (you studder) clay noticed you studdering and tears start going down your cheek so he grabs your hand and holds it tight. When he held your hand you felt better so you took and deep breath and continued the story. When I opened the door expecting to see my parents holding hands I see a cop telling me that a bus almost hit my mom but my dad pushed her out of the way causing him to get hit but she was in shock from what happened and a car ended up hitting her to cause she didn't move out of the way. So they passed away the cop told you (back to reality)

No ones POV:
Everyone stared at y/n in shock they all say I'm so sorry y/n and Wilbur.Wilbur then whispered in
y/ns ear something but everyone just stared in silence but then y/n says No don't say that it doesn't matter.

Y/n POV:
As everyone was saying how sorry they were for me and Wilbur, Wilbur whispered in my ear something. He said y/n I'm gonna tell them that I'm adopted I said no don't say that it doesn't matter but he said he was going to still say it. You don't have to I say but he didn't listen to me

No ones POV:
Wilbur then said guys I Have something to say everyone looked at wil and they said okay tell us anything they said comforting him. Then Wilbur said I'm adopted. Eveyone was surprised they weren't expecting him to say that. They all said oh that's I interesting I never new that.

Wilburs POV:
So basically the soot family adopted me a week after they passed away. But I wasn't super close to them but y/n and I were super close so when they passed away I got to say with y/n because I was almost an adult so I will count them as my parents but y/n struggled more than I did.

No ones POV:
y/n fell asleep so they said that she would finish telling them the story tomorrow.
They all fall asleep.

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