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Time skip 3 weeks

You wake up cuddling clay you smile and just to get out of his drip but he pulls you back in and says 5more mins please you say fine. 10 minutes later you wake up and look at the time and say IM GONNA BE LATE clay loosened his grip and you run and get dreesed when you were dont clay gives you a kiss you leave waiting in the car for Wilbur. 3 minutes later Wilbur gets in the car and starts driving. You guys finally get to your destination. We're here Wilbur says. You said yup you ready then your alarm went off and you said SHIT WE'RE LATE so guys ran to the studio (you and Wilbur are making a song). As you guys get inside you immediately start writing down more lyrics and then you finished. You guys record the music video and 6 hours later you guys arrived home. The boys were sitting in the couch so you guys go sit with them. You tell them how excited you were to release a new song. They all talked about how good it's gonna be. Karl then asked for a tasty lick of the new song you agreed and so did wilbur. You sang a little bit of the song and you say that's enough that only made them hype you up way more.

Time skip new song release day

Y/n POV:
I was so happy to finally let the world see this song I was really excited and a little nervous. I walk down stairs and don't see anyone but then someone hugged me from the side it was clay he kissed me and I kissed back and then he said

Clays POV:
I hear Y/n walk downstairs I think to myself then a thought came into my head. I'm gonna ask y/n to be my girlfriend! So I go downstairs and hug her she hugged me back and then we kissed. Y/n soot will you make me a happy man and be my girlfriend. She blushed but doesn't say anything I panic thinking she's gonna say no but then but then she said

Y/n POV:
As clay asked me to be his girlfriend I was in shock and I said CLAY? I- I- (his smile turns into a frown)
I would love to be your girlfriend but only if you can be my boyfriend

You both laugh and kiss but you guys get heated and that turns into a make out session. When you finally pull out you guys catch your breaths and you start getting ready for the premiere of the song.

450 words

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