Its all my fault

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A/n hey sorry for interrupting but I've decided to add Philza into into the picture as your father figure. Basically when your parents passed away Philza took over as your father figure. Lol just pretend he had been in the story the whole time ty lol!

Clays POV:
As Wilbur got his ingredients together and eveyone was chaning me and tubbo finished first I went up to him and asked him what he was gonna say about something on y/ns arms his face went pale saying OMG I FORGOT TO TELL EVERYONE I said tobey calm down she might hear you he says oh right so basically when y/n was in wilburs shoulders she put her arms up and I saw scars up and down her arms. When tobey risk me that I was shocked. I told tubbo not to tell anyone else I told him that I was gonna tell Phil cause he was her father figure.

A/n sorry for bugging you guys again but keep in mind your friends didn't know what happened with your parents they just know that you don't live with them only wil and Phil know the full story because you don't wanna tell anyone so it didn't seem like you were a attention seaker. anyways enjoy!

Still clays POV:
When I was about to tell phil about y/n eveyone came down so you decided to tell him after dinner when I heard y/n tell Wilbur that she wasn't hungry cause she ate at her house and she went to pack I knew she was lying because I was with her and she didn't eat anything. I was gonna say that she didn't eat anything while they were at the house but he didn't cause he wanted to tell Phil first I don't know why Phil acts like y/ns and wilburs dad when I never see them talk to their real parents.

Y/n and will talking: (back in real time)
Hey y/n wil says are you okay? Y/n responds with yeah I'm doing better I'm just kinda paranoid you know. Wilbur says that he understands. Bu then
y/ns voice got more serious as she says Hey wilby Wilbur responded with yeah y/n/n (your nick name)
Y/n says I've been thinking about mom and dad lately again like I just feel horrible and guilty because it was my fault they died she says as she breaks down in tears. Wilbur try's to confront y/n but she started crying louder yelling ITS MY FAULT ITS MY FAULT over and over again.

Sapnaps POV:
As I was sitting in the living room with eveyone besides y/n and Wilbur we were just talking and laughing about stupid things. A few minutes later we hear crying it sounded like y/n we also hear Wilbur trying to confort her. We just all stared at each other speechless tobey looked like he was going to cry but then we hear y/n yelling out ITS WAS MY FAULT we looked at each other and ran over to them.

No ones POV:
As the boys ran to y/n and wilbur they all sat around the young girl trying to confort her. She soon started to calm down. She stated apologizing to eveyone but they said were so worried tobey was hugging y/n while tobey was crying.

575 words

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