Mystery Boy

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Ever since that one highschool dance night, me and 'Mystery Boi' started talking. Not like best friend level talking but when we notice each other in the hallway we wave at each other.

It is nice to have someone to talk to when your next class is all the way across the building. The amount of other students and teachers you pass is.. uh what's the word? I don't even know, just chaotic and uncountable.

It's kind of funny when your friend group asks who this sudden boy you've been hanging out with is and all you can say is 'mystery boi'. The amount of questions though is unnecessary. I don't know even half the questions they ask.

When we talk, it's not quite the personal level yet. It's just outside interests and school stuff- I still don't know his name. To be fair, he doesn't know mine either.

Somehow people started talking about us, it's weird. I think someone saw us hanging out alone outside when there was a legit party inside the school. I swear some of them don't know privacy.

They harass us with all these questions if we're 'getting together' or 'know each other's names' or something else stupid. A girl really can't have a guy friend without thinking there's going to be feelings between them.

It's possible that I might feel something for him in the future, but right now I just need a friend.

I do, however, like how he pronounces some things. He'll like add an accent to it or pronounce the syllables differently, it's different. He's different. And I like it. Finally someone else isn't like a robot in this factory of a school, everyone is the same. He's like the new version but something malfunctioned and he became more human.

So they threw him out on the curb, for some other failed invention to find. Me. We're comfortable around each other, but we don't feel like we have to share our personal lives with the other. We can just be us.

Now I know that sounds like a confession or an attraction thing, but it's not really. Technically. I do purposely tell myself to remember the things he does tell me. Like his favorite color is royal blue specifically, and his favorite flower is allium.

Oh and he likes flowers! He likes to decorate, and be creative with his work- he's just so.. loveable.


Shit. Do I like him? Do I like someone who's name is still unknown? Is that possible? Is it weird? I feel like that's weird. Oh no. We have chemistry together later- and I mean the class! Not like chemistry with another person when you- shut up.

Lunch is almost over, I need to dump my tray. I'm so glad I decided to eat lunch with a teacher, I could not handle this panic in front of him. He's a little awkward boi, I don't want to put him in an uncomfortable situation where I say I'm fine but he has to decipher whether I really mean that or not and it's just a big mess.

Okay, think ahead. We have chemistry, we're a few seats apart, I don't think we have a partner project today. Maybe I have a chance to calm down before we meet up later. And by 'meet up' I mean meeting up at the exit until we walk our separate way home. Just take a deep breath and don't look at him, that'll just spark it up again.


I looked at him. I looked at him. I saw him sitting at his desk doodling in a notebook and then he saw me and did his cute little wave thing and- ohhh I'm screwed! I sit down at my desk, all completely flustered. I want to curse so badly.

I try to get my work out to distract myself but I forgot he doodled on it yesterday when he waited at my desk when class ended as I was still collecting my things. Why is everything he does so adorble? I want, I just want to cry, man.

"Okay class," an older voice speaks up from the direction of the door, then the sound of a door closing. The teacher walks back to their desk and sits on one of the edges, pushing away some papers.

They speak and for a few words I can understand them, but eventually my confused thoughts come back and it makes me anxious. I play with my hands from under the desk. I don't like it, but I'm not letting anyone see me internally panic.

Then a gentle voice pops up, snapping me back. I look up and I swear I almost peed my pants when I come to see mystery boi standing at my desk.

I secretly rub my hands against my leg to calm any small jitters before a conversation starts. He greets me with a small 'hi', and I am already flustered. Great.

"Hey, what.. what are you doing?"
"You really expect me to work?"

He chuckles as he brings an unoccupied chair to my desk. I give him a confused glance before looking around the classroom. Everyone is either working independently or with a partner, I might have missed what the teacher said but I think I can guess what we're doing.

The end of the marking period is today so every class is just finishing up missing work. I don't really have anything other than a small assignment so at least that's good.

"You don't have anything missing?"
"Nope, I'm a smart boi."
"Good for you."

I giggle as I put away my notebook and just get a book out, since I don't think I would be able to work with him here. He's distracting in like the cutest way possible, I have to work but I can't move him. Like a cat on a keyboard.

"I really just doodle on everything you own, I am so sorry." He jokes and laughs as he notices another doodle on the inside of the book I'm reading. I join in, making me close the book because I can't read and laugh at the same time. The doodle looks like a rabbit but I can't really tell, it's small and kind of sloppy. Not even going to lie.

"You're such an idiot."

We just quietly laugh a little to ourselves as we keep adding more and more onto our jokes. We don't want to disrupt the class so half the time I have my hand over my mouth and the other holding my stomach. I don't think I've laughed like this in so long. I'm lucky I'm laughing, or else he would notice how red I am, and not just from laughing. Why is this even happening to me?

"You know what I want to do?" Mystery boi spoke up, somehow having the ability to calm down his laughter.

"I want to go rock climbing."

This is going to be a long class.


Finally, class is over. I only have one class left. Some culinary cooking thing, it was either that or Spanish for another year and I did not want that. It was funny at first to curse at my friends in spanish, but then they took that class and understood everything I was saying. It wasn't fun anymore.

I still have mystery boi's.. wish? In my head. Rock climbing? Who just suddenly wants to go rock climbing? He means the little walls that you go on in like gym class right? Surely he doesn't mean actual rock climbing? I'm scared of heights.

I shake off the jitters and head to culinary class. As I make a turn down another hallway, someone runs up next to me and walks along. Of course, it's mystery boi. He says hi again, which I won't be able to handle soon enough.

We make small talk on the way there, and as I'm about to say bye. He walks inside with me. What. He notices my confusion and informs me, "Tech class was only for one semester, so now I'm taking this class for the second semester."

Oh great. That's just perfect. Now I have two classes with him, back at back, both the last two. I'm happy I get to see him more often but my heart can't handle this. And guess what? My cooking partner isn't here today so guess who has to sit next to me now? Yep. Fricken mystery boi. That sounds like I hate him- I don't hate him. It's literally the exact opposite.

"Okay class, today we have a new student joining us for the second semester. Ranboo, please raise your hand." The teacher spoke up, making me confused. That's funny, mystery boi is also new.

I look around the classroom to make sure and surely not, the last person my eyes lock into, was mystery boi. With his hand awkwardly in the air.

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