Wilbur's Mind

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Ever since (Y/n) invited me to lunch with them, I felt appreciated. It was nice to actually be invited to something and not having to invite myself, unannounced, and possible ruin the mood for everyone. I still had to cancel though, solely because they mentioned another friend.

I'm sure whoever they were, was a nice person and all but I've never been the best in awkward situations like those. When your friend invites you but then you have to meet up with a friend of a friend, it gets so much worse.

I just wanted to spend time with them, just them. No one else. I know it sounds possessive but I'm still fairly knew and it would have been nice to spend time with one of my good friends.

I'm still getting used to this new school, and they were the nicest out of all the other kids I had to sit next to in the seating chart. Even after our first meeting was me running into them, they seemed very understanding and considerate.

After I went home after school today, I decided to take a walk and really think it over. And I liked the fresh air. Strolling down the block, looking through the small gaps of leaves that allowes the sun to seep through.

The slight breeze keeping me from overheating. I'm going to miss the warm weather soon, fall is just around the corner. Speaking of, as soon as I turned, I saw them.

Speak of the devil.

"(Y/n), is that really you?" I speak up and walk closer, as their head perks up from their phone. I was surprised to see them here, haven't seen them anywhere near this area at all before. They're waiting for the bus, so that's probably why. Maybe their schedule changed a bit because of something at home.

"Wilbur?" They answer, with confusion all over their face. It made me smile, glad they recognized me at least.

"In the flesh! How've you even? What are you up to?"

I couldn't help but smile wider as I started talking to them again. It was just easy, and everything just rolled off the tounge. They straightened their posture, looking up at me, again, just like when I ran into them. Except they weren't on the floor this time.

"I've been good, thank you. I'm just calling my mom."
"Oh. I haven't seen you around here before, though?"
"That's because.. I am.. lost."

They laughed sheepishly, seemingly embarrassed of what happened to them. I stared in awe, finding it both adorable and sad.

They were lost, that sucks. I still stand a little bit away, letting them have their space. I didn't want them to be uncomfortable, but then they sighed, turning off their phone.

"I thought you were calling your mom?"
"Yeahhh," they looked up at me with a pained expression as I put my hands in my pockets, "I just realized since I'm lost, I can't tell her where I am to come and get me!"

They looked so frustrated with a hidden but desperate look for any sort of help with their situation. They almost looked like they were about to give up. I thought for a moment, hesitating, debating, then just said 'fuck it' and went with what felt right.

I sat next to them, but kept the silence. It was comfortable enough to keep for a little longer.

"I know where we are," I decided to speak up and offer a solution, " we're a block from my house. I took the bus home, this exact bus stop actually, and took a walk after. I know where we are, you're okay..". I used a softer tone to keep the peaceful aura that has surrounded us.

"You're so kind Wilbur. I thought you were an egotistical dick when we first met. And I mean in the classroom, not when you bumped into me in the hallway."
"That hurt."

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