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We’re holding hands. I’m holding hands with Ranboo. Holy sh- I’ve liked him for so long it doesn’t even feel real. Like because I’ve never expected this to happen; especially like this, at his house after a day like today. It’s alienable- indescribable- and yet I can still feel it. Am I even supposed to? I don’t even know.

“What..?” How could one form any words during an event like this? I was so lost in the moment that I didn’t know where I was. Nothing was registering. 

Ranboo only breathes in sharply. I wait for a response, anything, to show that he’s still with me and not as lost as I am. “I like you.” He says first, confident in his words. “I like you a-and I don’t know what came over me,” He starts to ramble again and stammers. He lost his confidence, “You said you had hung out with Wilbur, and I just- I was jealous since you canceled our plans which was fine but… I couldn’t stand the thought of it happening again.” 

He sounded so broken and afraid at the end. Like I consumed all his thoughts and he only had himself and his words. He barely took a breath until he paused. His words were so loud only compared to the silent room. They were quick and impulsive but true. 

“I can’t keep lying to you or- or myself any longer when I say I don’t want to be anything more than friends. I had to say it before Wilbur could. Before he could take you away from me.” He squeezed my hands.

“Ranboo you’re not going to lose me. Especially to another guy. I’m not like that.”
“I-I just was worried and this voice in the back of my head told me otherwise.”

I smile at him. I take in his features as he stares back down to the bed. He just confessed everything to me, I can’t imagine how much anxiety he’s getting from it. I love him, even if he is a total doofus. 

“Hey… I like you too.” I decided to confess something, too. The way he instantly picked his head up and his whole aura changed into something so full of hope and excitement proved that I said the right thing. 

“You what? You- you do? You’re serious?”

I nodded. 

He yelled.

He let go of my hands and jumped towards me, pulling me into a tight hug. It knocked me down so I leaned against the bed frame but I don’t care. He was happy. I made him happy. And I was too. 

We didn’t move for minutes afterward. Our hug session lasted longer than most but it was needed. We clung to each other, embracing each other’s insecurities and telling them that it was okay to come out and breathe. 

I could tell he didn’t want to let go, but it had to come to an end one way or another. He was reluctant when I started to draw my hands back and let my arms go loose. He held my hands again. “In case you couldn’t tell,” he started first, “I am very happy. I am very happy.” 

I laughed. “No, I couldn’t tell.” 

He laughed with me. “Shut up.”

It was quiet again, but it wasn’t awkward. It’s never awkward with him. I’d like to believe I’m even my best self when I’m with him. Truly me. I don’t have to hide or back out into a corner. Like when you’ve just been dropped off at daycare for the first time and you think your parents left you. You cry out only to be shushed by the adult who runs the daycare so you isolate yourself from the other kids and crawl as far away as you can. Then another kid asks you what’s wrong, gives you a hug before you could even answer, and declares you as friends just like that. Regardless of what you think of it.

“Um.. so does this... make us..?” He asked.
“I mean... I haven’t been asked out yet. If only there was someone out there who liked me..” I make an impression of Prince Hans from Frozen when he lied to Anna as she was dying. But not that dramatic because like, who the fuck does that?

“Fine fine. Jeez, you’re so demanding.” He takes a deep breath in, “Okay... (Y/n), will you go out with me?” He smiles so wide and looks me straight in the eyes. I felt as if I was holding my breath all the way up to this point. I couldn’t form any words once I heard his. I just nodded, ecstatic. 

We spent the rest of the day together; listening to each other’s playlists, chilling on his bed, gaming, until I had to go home. My mom picked me up from yet another boy’s house. It’s weird that it’s happened twice in one day. She didn’t question it much because “mothers know everything” which I often think is actually true. She hasn’t been wrong that often about some things that I’ve never even told her about beforehand. 

As soon as I got home I called Ranboo. He picked up instantly.

“Ranboo!” I laugh. “What are we doing?” 

I laughed at how he picked up the phone. I fell onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling, just listening to him talk, listening to his voice. He sounds so different yet the same. To think I get to listen to him talk like this every day from now on. 

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