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Algebra could not get any worse right now.  We just started another unit when I didn't  even fully understand the last one because of how quickly he moves on. What even is this crap? Algebra ll? Like why is there even a second level? Wasn't the one year enough?

This sucks. I have Algebra ll at the very beginning, my first class of the day. And boy do I hate it. I don't even get to see Ranboo. He has.. English(?) right now I think.

What am I kidding, I have his entire schedule memorized. Why? Don't ask me, I was just like "tell me your schedule" and he did. So now I know where he is at all times. Totally not creepy in a way.

He has English for first period, Art for second period, then Algebra, Government which is Social Studies, then Chemistry and Culinary with me. Kind of sucks I have to wait another four hours until I can see him.

We have different teachers and different times for all our other classes so that cancels meeting up in the hallways.

It wasn't even much time anyways, the movies have it wrong. There's isn't twenty minutes inbeteen each class to hang out with your friends at your locker, that's a haux. A myth. A stupid lie. Which honestly I should have expected, it's school. Not a hangout place.

Still, more time to get to each class would have been appreciated. Basically running if it weren't for the constant scolding when you zoom down a hallway because of their idiotic time schedule.

Like don't blame me for being late when you're the one who made it so soon after my last class just ended! God I hate the education system entirely but we're not going through that right now.

I just need to survive four more hours until I see Ranboo. Wish me luck.


Okay, I'm on my way to English class. The last class I have until lunch where I can finally sit with Ranboo at lunch and rant about this horrid day I've been having.

And then he could just say one simple comforting thing and immediately bring up my spirit again. He just has that power, not to mention his laugh. That special laugh lasts until school is over.

I really am love struck, and he doesn't even know. I need to stop thinking about him all day, he can't be my only source of happiness. I just need a-


"Ah! Sorry, sorry, I was looking for someone and forgot to look where I was going."

I shake my head and focus on who bumped into me. All I could tell before they quickly rushed away was their general face and hair style. Pale skin and long brown hair. Like Ranboo's but darker, and a but messier not going to lie.

They looked kind of tall but I was on the floor. I wish I got their name or something, they were really nice for even rushing away. Maybe they're awkward, I mean I am too so I don't blame them. There's a lot of kids in this school so chances are I'll never see them again, or remember it was even them. Only their voice makes them distinct in this stupid school.

I get up and fix my shirt, looking behind me, scanning the hallway for any chance of seeing them better. Being on the floor gave me a weird perspective.

So much for a first impression. If that wasn't enough action, another voice pops up. This time, I know them. And instantly smile hearing it.

"Yooo, what are you looking at?"
"Hey, just someone bumping into me. They apologized then ran, I didn't get their name. They were really sweet about it though."
"That's good, at least."

I smile and nod, agreeing with him. It's nice to know not everyone in this school is a total dick evey chance they get.

"Anyway, what are you doing down this hallway? Your next class is the other way."
"Oh, my teacher asked me to talk to another teacher about some sort of 'important paper' they have."
"Well have fun with that, I got English. See ya at lunch!"

I jog off and turn with a wave before leaving. He shouts back with a small 'bye' and he's out of range again. Welp. That was something. I wonder if I'll ever see that kid again.

They were nice, they sounded male but I don't want to assume their pronouns. In a school with a bunch of hormonal teenagers realizing who they are, you never know. And I like it. Some aren't terrified to Express themselves a bit, but those who are aren't entitled to.

I take a few more steps and I'm at my next class. I don't particularly love English class, but I don't necessarily hate it either. We have a love-hate relationship. I love the books but hate the assignments with them.

Like Romeo and Juliet, or How to Kill a Mockingbird. Really good books and readings. But having to rewrite a scene or write in one of the characters perspectives is tedious.

Sometimes when you're lucky enough you have a nice teacher, always the best teachers are English teachers. And I'm not complaining.

Speaking of, of course there's a warm up already written on the board. Finish reading this chapter then note down on this log and answer these questions on it- give me a break.

Why is this even important? Teach us how to do taxes or something, just something actually useful enough that we'll need it later in life. I really have a lot of bones to pick with how school is ran.

Even with the building hatred I have for school, I sit in my seat and take out the book we're reading. I keep to myself and ignore all the students that pile in. They're just your average high school students that don't fit into a specific stereotype because that is bullshit.

High school isn't like the movies, it's way worse. Other than the movies that show the main character studying so much for a final, that is true usually. Not like I'm the main character. I've talked about that already so I'm not going into it.

The teacher is normal like always, most of the kids stay quiet and just wait for the period to end, the annoying clock on the wall ticks after evey agonizingly long second. It's pretty quiet most of the time except for the teacher talking and the occasional loud speaker when another student needs to be picked up for family stuff.

Sometimes my mom asks the principal for me for like a dentist appointment or something, but usually she just misses me. She knows how I feel about school and how traitorous it is, so she picks me up for a milkshake then brings me back.

Then again, she noticed me suddenly hanging out with Ranboo and her motherly senses went off. Two days later she got me to confess I liked him. Crazy, isn't it?

Speaking of, Ranboo would fit so well in this class. Not just because I'm here, but because he likes to read. And the assignments seem to fit his style.

Doodling needs imagination or ideas, and this English class is filled with them. Imagine another ending for this story or think inside of the characters mind when this event happens are just some he would excell at. I know, doodles are completely different than creative writing, and you're right.

But I actually just had creative writing for third period so believe me when I say.. creativity is an absolute nightmare and should be banned in all schools- kidding. I might not love it, but it was either that or some tech class like Ranboo chose and I do not know how computers work.

Back to the point: doodling and creative writing. Ranboo is already amazing at one of them, he could just like write a story behind a doodle and then bam: he's a genius. No but seriously, you should see them.

They're not just bunnies or people or fancy words. They have a story behind them. They reflect his mood, or emotions, or even his desires. And that is something special.

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