Ranboo's Mind

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This is just Ranboo's POV of the last part, you don't have to read it to understand the story ^-^
(I don't know if I'll do Ranboo's POV because then I might have to do Wilbur's POV but let me know if you like this and think it could be cool!)


They caught my eye all the way across the hall, making me light up. I noticed they didn't see me yet so I ran up to them like always. I don't really have an explanation why, I just did one day and once I saw their smile brighten as soon as they saw me, I kept doing it.

I called their name when I was getting close, making them turn around and finally feet my gaze. They looked taken back though, like they weren't expecting to hear their name. Especially from me since I only recently found out. I didn't mind waiting though, it's such a wonderful name.

"Ranboo, hi!"
"How are you?"

I ask them, wanting to make sure they've had a good say so far. I don't like seeing them upset or knowing they were upset. Anyone wouldn't. I was just happy to see them.

"Someone's chipper today, what happened? Spill."
"I knew you would notice. But unfortunately for you.. nothing! I just woke up on the right side of the bed, I guess."

I chuckle finding my poor excuse funny. I realized something extraordinary and I want to tell her so badly, but I can't. I'm not brave enough to find out the outcome or her reaction. Everything is fine as it is, I wouldn't mind sticking to it if it means it stays the same.

"Well, I guess I'll share my good news then. I made a new friend today! It was the kid that bumped into me earlier. Turns out, he's in my English class."

I could only hum as I felt a strange feeling boil in me. I was confused and paused, wondering what it was. I tried to listen to them talk and figure out my problem at the same time, but I couldn't reply then. They said they made a new friend, and it was good news. They're happy, but why did I feel my brows furrow?

"He has this British accent and it comes out on some of his words- and he always has something to say."
"I do, too!"
"You literally just said 'mhm' as a response."

I guess they're right, but I was in thought. I don't know much about the new kid, I don't know if he's.. pfft I sound like a protective boyfriend. I laugh to myself, finding that ridiculous.

"I'm kidding, you know I love you."

What? Wh- huh? I heard that, right? They said- hehe I'm loved. I smile like I just heard the best news in the world. It's so much stronger than when I first heard their name. I assume it was a joke so I went with it.

"I'm so lucky." I say in a sarcastic tone, rolling my eyes discreetly but letting her still see.
"I can take it back whenever-"
"No-, no I earned that," with my charm, "you can't take it back."
"Says the one who won't say it back. Heart been broke too many times.."

They lower their voice for comedic affect and it worked. I wasn't expecting a lyric to be recited so I started laughing, then realized I was still in school and covered my mouth with my hand to muffle it. It didn't work but they didn't seem to mind, they even joined in and giggled along with me.

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

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