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After sitting on a rocking chair on Ranboo's front porch for a minute, I finally decided to call my mom. I was actually debating on leaving and then apologizing the next day. As much as I knew how nice he is and how accepting he would be, I would still feel so bad though.

I mean, this is the first time I'm at his house and he's about to show me something with no clue on what it could be. It's normal for someone to be in a situation like mine and freak out a tiny bit.

And if this goes wrong like everything does in my life, I will embarrass myself and never want to show my face again. I'd rather not have that happen because Ranboo is a close friend of mine and I want to show my face so I can see his face because he is adorable.

You did not just say that right now, shut up. Okay, I seriously need to call my mom now before Ranboo comes back out.

On the second ring, my mom picks up.

"Hey ma."

Throughout the call, she talks about her work and mentions of other family members which surprises me how she can relate the current topic to anything she wants.

Anyway, finally we get back to why I called so I tell her everything and ask if I can stay?.. at Ranboo's for a bit. The question mark is there because I honestly have no idea what he has planned.

Eventually, and thankfully, she let's me. With the whole be home before 7 or let her know of something happens, yadda yadda. I give her a quick thanks and love you and end the call. Okay, that's one thing out of the way. Now just to wait for Ranboo to come back out.


I hear a door open and Ranboo comes out. He looks excited but also nervous, making me confused. He asks me with a look, and I nod already knowing what he was going to ask. He smiles and seems less anxious than before.

"Okay so, plans have changed. I will need to actually come inside.. instead of sitting on the porch..? If that's okay?"
"Uhh, yeah, mhm. That works."
"Great, now follow me!"

I giggle as he rushes back inside, only after leaving the door open for me because politeness. I take a look around when I can because I'm generally a curious person as I follow him through the house and up some stairs. By his door I could tell it was his room.

"Okay, before we go inside, just uhm.. be prepared." He says with a chuckle at the end, and if he didn't laugh I would probably be scared. I just nod and apparently brace myself for whatever is in his room. This is kind of funny though, not going to lie.

He slowly opens his door and stands in the middle and dramatically turns around. All I had to do was look at his walls to understand. Doodles were just.. everywhere.

They were small to medium size, nothing was too big. Some were sticky notes, some had multiple on a single piece of paper. It was like a giant vision board but on multiple walls. All the colors and marks and-

"Is that me?"

I point to a certain doodle I see in a corner, covered by other little doodles. I gently take off the others and the tape to make sure I don't rip any of them and surely not, it's me. But like a smaller me. And less detailed. It's honestly quite cute, I like it.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. That's my.. sister. Yep."
"You're an only child."
"I hate it when you're right."

I giggle as he tries to cover it up, placing his hand on the wall and 'casually' leaning on it. He nervously looks everyone in his room to act like it's nothing, but I already got it.

"When did you draw it? I really like it."

He tenses up for a second, the tips of his ears go red. I think he finally gives up from his sigh.

"It was.. in chemistry. We were doing an experiment and you were wearing the safety goggles and.. they were so big on you and you asked me for help to adjust them- I need to stop taking."
"Aww, you remember that?"
"Yeah, of course. You also called me your friend for the first time and I don't have many friends."

I give him a small smile. I place my hand on top of his that's on the wall and slowly push it to the side so I could see the doodle again. He let me, making my smile brighten. I took it off the wall, and made sure to put the ones I previously took off back on.

Once it was in my hand, I felt something. Like this tiny piece of paper was more than just a tiny piece of paper. And in the moment, I thought it was a good idea to put it in the middle. On top of all the others.

"Oh my god, whyy?"
"Because it's cute! Shut up. I deserve to be the center of attention. Always.. wait no, I'm terrified of- wait take it down!"

I hastily try to take it down and move it but Ranboo only pulls me back and keeps me there. We're both just screaming at each other, laughing and giggling. One of his hands find it's way to my waist, keeping me still as I fake cry at the doodle.

"Stop trying, you're really just not that strong."
"You're so meannnn!"
"I am not mean, you're just weak."
"I am offended. I am getting my lawyer."

And for a while, it was just us laughing until our stomachs hurt and we could barely breathe. We kept adding onto the joke, only making us laugh harder. Both our faces were red, red from laughing, red from embarrassment, whatever floats your boat. But it was fun, so much fun.


We ended up crashing, tired from everything that just happened. He was spread out on his bed, his feet over the edge since he wasn't all the way to the other side.

I was on his gaming chair, spinning in a slow circle to cool down. It was quiet, but a comfortable quiet. We didn't need to speak to enjoy each other's company. I don't know why I was so anxious when he invited me over, well dragged me over, I like it here.

"We need to do this more often," I spoke up, but still keeping the peaceful atmosphere, "maybe we could watch movies next time. I like movies."

When I didn't hear a reply, I stopped spinning and faced the chair in his direction. He was just staring at the ceiling, and there's nothing up there. Yet he looks so focused on something. He's probably just thinking.

So I decide to plop down on the bed next to him, joining him on whatever staring contest he has with the ceiling. Until I blinked. Darn. I lost. I look over to him and he seems unfazed by me joining him. Weird.




Still nothing. Do I let him be? His eyes look tired and half open. Until he suddenly sighs, exhaling through his nose. That's when he closed his eyes fully, and his breathing goes quiet. Is he seriously going to sleep right now? Jerk.

I notice there's still some room above his head where I can sit, so I do. I go to sit behind him and gently pick up his head and lay it in my lap. Now I'm just gently combing his hair with my fingers, loving how soft his hair is. It's so fluffy. For a few seconds, nothing changes.

That was until he finally snapped awake again and lifting his eyes so he can see me.

I stop playing with his hair, now that he's awake. But all he does and lay his head back down, and lift one of his arms to place his hand on top of mine. He urges me to keep going, and I do.

His sleepy but happy smile makes me want to squeal. It's so cute. He even leans into my hand more, letting his eyes slowly close again.

I haven't done this before. This is new. None of my friends like me touching their hair, and I know some people are like that, but its weird seeing Ranboo so calm as I do it. And how he wanted me to keep going.

I sigh to myself, careful not to disrupt his peace and lay back on his pillows. I didn't think this hangout would turn this way, but it did. And I wouldn't change it.

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