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I can't stop thinking of the boy I bumped into. We ran into each other, and I still can't describe what he looked like if somone were to ask. It was strange. They were there for a second, and then they weren't.

At least they were nice about it though, most kids would just leave without a word. Or act like they were sorry when really it was just sarcasm. I get it though, there's a lot of people in this school and sometimes you just have a bad day. It's understandable.

What thing that I really think I should have caught was their accent. It wasn't American, but other than that I have no clue. It was strong on some words or syllables, I liked it for not even recognizing what it is.

I wonder if Ranboo knows him, or has ever bumped into them too. Ranboo is clumsier than I am so he probably has. Would it be weird if I asked him though? Surely not, right?

Asking about some random kid does feel weird though, almost like talking about them behind their back kind of thing and I hate that. I would love to meet them again, properly though, so much for a blur of a face.

I'm in English right now, with a prompt already written on the board.

Write about a peculiar event that has happened to you, and your thoughts on how it went.

Uhh, main character moment much? That just happened to me earlier today with the run in with that student. I mean, the teachers are always watching.

With their eyes at the back of their heads and cameras every couple of feet. We're being watched like we're in a show, and everyone outside of the school are the live viewers.

I have some of the strangest thoughts sometimes.

I shake my head discreetly, so I don't look crazy to eveyone else, and start writing about the prompt. Hopefully this isn't graded and just a warm up because I never know how to start stories or short stories.

I get an idea pretty quickly but actually writing it is when I struggle. Or the other way around where I feel like I could a story that's pages long, if only I had an idea for it. It's strange. I need to stop saying that word.

I get like a fourth of my page written, stuck on how to continue it. Technically I can leave it be and write something else. But I'm stubborn and once I start something, I want to finish it.

I could kill a character off for fun.

'After they bumped into me, my skin turned out to be highly toxic to touch and he died'. What a fun ending, yeah? I scribble it out and laugh to myself, letting a smile peek out from my lips.

Anyone staring at me would think I'm a mad man, laughing as I write a crap story. That's the fun in life I guess.

The door to the classroom opens, but I don't look up. I assume it's another student that's late or coming back from the restroom. Even with how dirty they may be, some people just can't hold it. Losers.

Whoever entered walked up to the teacher, I could just hear their footsteps infront of the class. They speak in a hushed voice with the teacher, presumably not to disrupt the class. It goes on for a minute or two, and I can't write anymore so I go to the next best thing I can do right now: be nosy and look up to see who entered.

It seems like just a regular average kid when I first look at them. They're holding a back pack though. Are they switching classes like Ranboo did in the middle of the year after the term? I focus on them for longer than I intended to but I got some of the conversation down.

"I'm.. confused.. class.. student over there.."

Really a weird interaction. Then it gets weirder and the teacher points to me. I open my eyes more from the previous tired and bored glance, and stay alert.

Why did the teacher point at me? I look to both the desks beside me, and surely not, no other student is in them. He was definitely pointing at me. Do I have to give this kid a tour or something? He looks like a lost puppy with those big cute eyes. Not that he's cute. Okay so he's not ugly- Ranboo is cuter, that's all I'm saying.

I sit up straighter in my seat when I see him maneuver his way over to me. His bright but nervous smile is the first thing I notice about him.

Every step he takes, he gets taller and taller. He might even be taller than Ranboo, I honestly don't know. Also it would be really weird if I did because I would actually have to measure them with a fuckin measuring tape. I'm not crazy I swear.

"Ah hello!"

That's.. that's the accent! It's English- or British, don't judge me. There's a reason why I don't take a language class. Not that that makes any sense when you're talking about accents and not languages. What is wrong with me? I like his accent though, it's subtle but sharp on certain words. I already said that before but I don't care. I talk a lot, get used to it.

"Hi! Are you the guy that bumped into me earlier?"
"Yes, that was me. I apologize, sorry about that. New kid in school getting lost and rushing around really fits."

I giggle remembering my first day at this new school, what a mess. The only difference was I didn't have any friends until later, now he has a friend on his first day.

He smiles and sits in the desk next to mine, hauling his back pack off his shoulders and laying it on the floor beside his seat. I guess I have another new student to fall in love with- kidding. Ranboo my beloved has my heart. (Sorry I had to)

"So (Y/n), right? You can call me Wilbur, maybe Will later on." He sends me a playful wink with a smile, expecting a reaction out of me.

And of course I give him one, not exactly a laugh but more than just a giggle. I really wasn't expecting him to be the flirty type after how apologetic he was earlier.

"Alright Wilbur, what ever you say." I respond back, making him laugh. "Didn't know you were the flirty type but alright. Just to let you know, I already got my eyes on somone but I'll mostly get rejected so don't get your hopes up either way. Why am I telling you this? No idea. Do I care? Yes deeply, but you should know I am quite the talker."

Why did I ramble?

"Alright, alright. I see you, fortunately for you, so am I. I guess we're patterns then, yeah?"
"Partners for what? Did the teacher tell you about an upcoming project?"
"Nope, you'll find out."


I playfully role my eyes and continue writing, he looked unfazed when I told him I already liked someone so at least I didn't crush this boy's dreams instantly.

But then again, some people are good at hiding. And it's his fault if he 'fell in love' with me at first sight, I don't believe in that shit anyway. It just feels like you like someone based on their appearance at that specific moment.

What if you saw them from across the room at some party that they literally dressed up for to look nice? What then? What happens the next day when they don't want to wear fancy clothing or were just too unmotivated to spice up? It's stupid in my opinion.

"You're also a thinker, aren't you?"

Wilbur disrupts my thoughts, rudely might I add, so I focus back on him again.

"Yeah, I have a lot of thoughts throughout the day. You'll probably be stuck listening to them a lot since we're friends now."
"We're friends?"

I look at him and he just has the cutest face ever. I hide my mouth and look away, turning my head. Am I seriously affected by that? Damm, potential love interest option 2 here we go- I need to stop. After a second to calm down, I finally uncover my mouth and speak like a human.

"Yeah, why not?"

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