Three Years Later

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--Michael's POV--

It's been three years since I've married the love of my life. I am beyond blessed and thankful. Words cannot describe how happy I am or how in love I am with Mika.

As he lays next to me with his head buried into the pillow I can't help but smile. Gorgeous does not even cover him. Three years has not aged him one bit.

I watch him shift to his back. Those curls. They get me every time. Right now they are just long enough to fall in his face. Log enough for me to get a full grip on his luscious locks.

"Are you creepin?" Mika asked.

"Are you awake?" I laughed.

He cracked a smile and then pulled me into him. His hugs. His warm embraced are one of my favorite things.

"Mhm," he said.

I wrapped my arms tightly around him and enjoyed the warmth radiating off of his body.

"Michael," Mika asked.

"Mika?" I asked with a giant grin, expecting something dirty.

"It's too quiet."

I sat up quickly. He's right. It is too quiet. With two three year olds in the house it is way too quiet at eight in the morning.

Knowing that I would more than likely walk into a mess I jumped off of the bed and made my way to the both of the twins rooms. Neither one of them were in their room. Shit.

As I make my way to the living room I hear two familiar voices. I let out a sigh of relief as I hear Fortune and Ezra laughing with the twins. As I enter the living room I see my favorite grandchild in the world, Nola.

She rushes up to me and jumps into my arms. Ezra has made some mistakes in his life, but Nola was a gift. I thank the Lord everyday for her.

"Someone missed her papa," Fortune smiled.

"And someone's going to watch her for the day?" Ezra suggested with an evil grin.

That little shit. He's lucky that I enjoy watching Nola. Plus it gives the twins someone to play with. But it also gives them someone to create more messes with.

"Daddy!" Ariana screamed as Emmett began throwing toys across the room.

"Emmett!" I quietly shout as I dodge flying toys and pick him up.

Nola and Ariana both began to cry. Great.

--Ezra's POV--

"It's okay love. Daddy's here," I say as I grab my screaming child from the floor.

Fortune grabbed Ariana and tried to calm her down as my father tried to calmly lecture his three-year-old son. One thing that age has greatly given my father, which I still do not possess, is patience.

"Ez, we're going to be late," Fortune informs me as Ariana hops back to the floor and continues to play with their toys.

I nod my head and continue to try and calm Nola down, but I am not even close to be successful. Fortune grabs her from me and she instantly calms down. Seriously? My own child won't calm down for me, but she'll calm down for him?

But Fortune has always been good with Nola. He's better with her than he is with me. The last couple years have not been kind to us. Each day is a new struggle. A new argument. But he makes up for it.

Not just in bed. He's always surprising me. Always trying to make up for something he said or did.

Last summer was the worse...


"Are you fucking kidding me Fortune?!" I screamed at him.

Unfortunately Nola was here for this one. She sat in the living room on her blanket, crying. I was too wrapped up in what was going on with Fortune and I to acknowledge her.

"I said I was sorry Ezra. What more do you want from me?"

"You're sorry? You're sorry that you were sexting him? Sorry that you went behind my back and met this person? Sorry that you drug my fucking kid into this?" I shouted at him.

I began to pace back and forth as he tried to find something to say. It was as if he had a basket of responses in his mind and he was just randomly reaching for one to throw at me.

"She's our child, Ezra."

I stopped with my back towards him and quickly turned around on my heels to correct him, "mine. She's all mine. She's apart of me. Not you."

"Ezra, stop it."

Nola's screams got louder. I should know better than to start a fight with Fortune in front of her. I'm a horrible father. I can never be my father. My father wouldn't have done this. He knew better. He would never.

Fortune must've realized the intensity of her screams and went to check on her. I watched from the doorway as he calmed her down. But then I heard him say, "daddy's right here. It's okay."

I fucking lost it. I picked Nola up out of his arms and took her to her room. Fortune was right on my heels as I did this. After I placed her in bed I closed her door and tackled him.

"Don't you fucking call yourself that. You are a fucking loser and you'll never be her father. Ever!" I yelled as I punched him in the face.

We rolled around for a few minutes before Mika and Paloma peeled us apart. Mika drug me outback and threw me to the ground. He stood over me with his arms crossed.

"He cheated on me. He brought Nola with him. That fucking cheater!" I cried as I slammed my fists into the ground.

---End of Flashback---

After all of that he's still with me. After all of the hurtful things I've said to him he is still with me. He's not lucky that I forgave him. I'm lucky that he forgave me.

Fortune is just as much of a father to Nola as I'll ever be. I can safely say that if anything were to happen to me that she would be alright. She'd be safe with him.

"You ready daydreamer?" Fortune asked with a giant smile as he extended his hand for me to take.

I nod and happily take his hand.

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