Best Man

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--Jacobs POV--

"Josiah, where's Mika?" I ask my brother after I searched the entire house for Mika.

"He took the twins to their doctors appointment," he answers without looking up from his phone.

"Why?" Jason asks me as he walks into the kitchen and sits next to Josiah.

Does it matter?

"I just want to talk to him," I answer.

"About?" Jason and Josiah ask at the same time.

"Nothing," I reply as I attempt to leave the kitchen.

Jason grabs my wrist before I can leave and pins me against the counter.

"Is it about dad?" Jason asks me. "Because if it is just forget it."

"Jason, he's st-" I try to respond.

"No Jacob," Jason replies angrily. "He doesn't want to be in our lives. He's fucking selfish. Let him rot wherever he is."

And that's where I lose it. I shove Jason to the floor and get two good hits in before Josiah pulls me off of him. He holds me back allowing Jason to take a swim at me.

"Hey! What is going on here?" Fortune shouts as he and mama enter the kitchen.

Josiah releases me and I immediately lunge at Jason. Before I can swing at him again Fortune and Josiah have me held back again.

"Boys, what's going on?" Mama asks.

"They're idiots," I tell her.

"That sounds like a good reason," Fortune chuckles as he and Josiah release me.

I try to advance towards Jason, but Fortune steps in-between us.

"Jacob, wants Mika to talk to dad again," Josiah tells mama.

"Boys, we've discussed this," mama starts. "Your father and Mika's relationship is just that, theirs. You boys don't need to be in the middle of it. They are grown men and can work this out themselves."

"Is that why dads in the nut house?" Jason asks as he takes a step towards me.

"He's in a rehabilitation center Jason!" I shout at him taking a step closer to him.

"He's crazy Jacob! And you are too!" Jason shouts.

"Get out of my way Fortune!" I shout as I try and get to Jason.

Fortune throws me over his shoulder and takes me outback. He then tosses me to the ground.

"What the fuck Fortune! We can't just let him talk about dad like that. And that hurt you ass!"

Fortune chuckles as I rub my shoulder that I landed on.

"Where's Ezra?" I ask him after I've calmed down a bit.

"Nola's sick. He's spending the day in bed with her watching movies," he replies as he sits next to me on the ground.

"So why are you here?"

"Well I was hoping to talk to you," Fortune starts.

I nod at him to continue.

"So, you know you've become the closest to Ezra and I over the last couple years. You're our best friend. So, I was wondering if you'd like to be my best man?"

"Seriously?!" I ask him.

"Yes," he smiles.

"Of course. I'd love to."

Fortune smiles widely before pulling me in for a hug.

"So how's Henrik?" Fortune asks me as we part from our hug.

"He's been acting weird," I reply.

Henrik and I met last summer at a party. He's 6 foot with brown hair and brown eyes. We started dating a month after we met.

"He wants me to move in with him. But I don't know. Like I said he's been acting weird."

"Well what did you say?" Fortune asks me.

"I told him I'd think about it."

"And when did he start acting weird?"

"That night," I reply.

"You think maybe that's why? Maybe he thinks you don't want to."

"I don't know. I just l don't want it to make things bad between us," I answer.

"Yea. Just talk to him about it. Hopefully he'll understand," Fortune replies. "How bout you two join us for dinner tomorrow night?"

"I have to work. My shifts 4-2am at the pub."

"Well let us know when you both have a night off. I don't leave for Paris until the 1st next month," Fortune states and then paused before starting again. "You should just move in with us."

"Why?" I chuckle.

"Ezra gets lonely. When I'm gone he sits around the house with Nola. I can tell it gets to him, especially with your father away."

"Yea. That'd be nice. Those two idiots are driving me insane," I answer causing us both to laugh.

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