Happy :)

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--Mika's POV--

Today I am going to attempt to visit Michael. Today I am going to attempt to fix what I broke. I'm not giving up without a fight.

"Mika Penniman?" A nurse asks as I sit in the waiting room. I nod. She motions for me to follow her.

When I enter the recreation room I see Michael leaning against a window. He looks healthy. He looks full of life again. Hopefully I don't suck it right back out of him.

I make my way over to him and stand next to him. He glances over at me and gives me a small smile. A smile is a smile and I'll take it no matter how big.

A smile means he's okay. It means he is okay that I am there. It means that maybe there is hope for us.

"I'm ready to come home," he says confidently to me.

My jaw dropped when he said it. The last thing I was expecting when I came to visit him was that he was ready to come home. I wasn't even expecting him to talk to me at all.

"Then let's get you out of here," I tell him as I extend my hand for him to take.

Three hours and a bunch of paperwork later we are home. WE are home. Our family is back together.

Mama has the twins for the day and Jason and Josiah are at work, so we have the entire house to ourselves. Michael drags me into the bedroom and pushes me on the bed. He quickly strips his clothes off as I lay back and watch him. There's nothing I would rather see than my naked husband.

"You going to undress or are you going to just stare at me all day?" Michael chuckles.

"Well both," I reply as I stand up and strip naked.

"That's a sight I've missed," Michael says as he pulls me into his arms.

"Then why didn't you come home sooner," I ask seriously.

"Let's talk later. Right now I want you. I want you so bad."

With that he picks me up and lays me on the bed. I wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses me passionately. He wastes no time and reaches for the lube in the nightstand.

"I love you," I tell him as I look into his eyes.

"I love you," he replies.

He then grabs me and slowly starts to please me. Before I am on the edge of climaxing he stops and kisses my neck.

"Why'd you stop love," I practically moan out.

Without answering he opens the bottle of lube and does his thing. He starts out slowly, but then quickly quickens his pace. As we both near our climax I get a tight grip on his hair and practically strangle him with my arm around his neck.

--2 hours later..--

"Well, didn't expect that.." Michael says in-between breathes as he lays on his back.

"Well, we haven't seen each other or had sex in almost two months love," I inform him as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Have you since I left?" Michael asks me seriously.

"No," I answer honestly. "I've felt too shitty to even touch myself. I...it's my fault...all of it..." I cry out.

Michael rolls me to my back and leans over me. He wipes my tears away and shakes his head.

"Hey, stop it. I...it's my fault Mika. I overreacted when I said I'd forgive you. I swallowed those pills. I fought you, so I could kill myself. I drove myself insane. I did that. Not you.

"Sure you fucked up, but my actions were my own. No one, especially you, told me or made me do it. I shut myself down. I blocked out all of the people that I love. I did it for way too long. Now I have to ask for forgiveness from everyone. I was selfish.

"I'm sorry Mika. I love you so fucking much. I promise I will never even think about doing something that selfish again. I want you for the rest of my life. Only you. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course," I say as I try to stop crying. "I love you. Im sorry I fucked up. I hit my low. I don't want to retire Michael. I'm not ready. I did it for you and the twins, but I'm not ready," I confess to him.

He smiles widely and pecks my lips.

"Then don't," he says with a little laugh. "Besides, I love watching you flaunt yourself on stage. Turns me on."

We both burst out into laughter.

"I'm happy you came home love. I've missed you way too fucking much."

Michael Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now